Taxing Humor

The Israeli government does not take VAT for calls made abroad.

This must be based on the following Mishnah Shvi’is end of chapter 6:

אין מביאין תרומה ומע”מ מחוצה לארץ

No, it does not say that exactly. Humor.

החזון איש: הלאומיות היא חלק מהיהדות

“עצם השם ‘דתי לאומי’ כורך בחובו שמץ של התכחשות ליהדות כמי שאומר אין די בדת היהודית, יש צורך גם בתוספת של לאומיות, וכאילו היו הדת והלאומיות הישראלית שני דברים נפרדים, חס ושלום, שנחוץ לזווגם יחד.”

פאר הדור חלק א’ עמוד רצב

מקור: ויקיציטוט, כאן.

Letter From A Reader

Looks like really interesting content I would love to get to on a spare moment. I like the layout and the feel of it too, something honest that you can trust, without fear or wimpiness and without shtick. Hope I will have time one of these days to read more articles.

A Lesson From Rabbi Steinman

Rabbi Ahron Leib Steinman was honored as Sandak at a Bris for twins. The assembled waited between the two circumcisions, so as not to transgress “Ain osim mitzvos chavilos chavilos”.  Meanwhile the Rabbi was asked the following question. We know that Elijah comes to every Bris Milah ceremony. Does Elijah wait here with us, or does he leave and come back again?

Rabbi Steinman’s answer: Better you should spend your time posing, say, a difficulty on Rabbi Akiva Eiger…