Trump Supporters Don’t Trust the Vote Counters, and You Shouldn’t Either

Why Trump Voters Don’t Trust the People Who Count the Votes


Perhaps not since the nineteenth century have so many American voters so fervently doubted the outcome of a national election.

Slate headline from December 13 reads: “82 Percent of Trump Voters Say Biden’s Win Isn’t Legitimate.” If even half true, this poll means tens of millions of Americans believe the incoming ruling party in Washington got its political power by cheating.

The implications of this are broader than one might think. Under the current system, if many millions of Americans doubt the veracity of the official vote count, the challenge to the status quo goes beyond simply thinking that Democrats are cheaters. Rather, the Trump voters’ doubts indict much of the American political system overall and call its legitimacy into question.

For example, if Trump supporters are unwilling to accept that the vote count in Georgia was fair—in a state where Republicans control both the legislature and the governor’s mansion—this means skepticism goes well beyond mere distrust of the Democratic Party. For Trump’s vote-count skeptics, not even the GOP or the nonpartisan election officials can be trusted to count the votes properly.

Moreover, unlike the general public, Trump supporters appear to have adopted a keenly suspicious view toward these administrators and the systems they control. This is all to the best, regardless of the true extent of voter fraud in 2020. After all, government administrators—including those who count the votes—are not mere disinterested, efficiency-obsessed administrators. They have their own biases and political interests. They’re not neutral.

Trump as Outsider

How did Trump supporters become such skeptics? Whether accurately or not, Trump is viewed as an antiestablishment figure by most of his supporters. He is supposed to be the man who will “drain the swamp” and oppose the entrenched administrative state (i.e., the deep state).

In practice, this means opposition must go beyond mere partisan opposition. It was not enough to simply trust the GOP, because, either instinctively or intellectually, many Trump supporters know he has never really been a part of the GOP establishment. The opposition from within the Republican Party has always been substantial, and the old party guard never stopped opposing him. For Trump’s supporters, then, the two-party system isn’t enough to act as a brake on abuse by the administrative state—at least when it comes to sabotaging the Trump administration. In the minds of many supporters, Trump embodies the anti-establishment party while his opponents can be found in both parties and in the nonpartisan administrative state itself.

This view has formed over time in a reaction to real life experience. Trump supporters have been given plenty of reasons to suspect that anti-Trump sentiment is endemic within the bureaucracy. For example, from the beginning, high-ranking “nonpartisan” officials at the FBI were actively seeking to undermine the Trump presidency. Then there was Alexander Vindman, who openly opposed legal orders from the White House and lent aid to House officials hoping to impeach Trump. Then there were those Pentagon officials who apparently lied to Trump in order to avoid drawing down US troops in Syria. All this was on top of the usual bureaucrats, who already tend to be hated by conservative populists: education bureaucrats, IRS agents, environmental regulators, and others responsible for carrying out federal edicts.

And then there were the federal medical “experts” like Anthony Fauci, who insisted Americans ought not to be allowed to leave their homes until no new covid-19 cases were discovered for a period of weeks. Translation: never.

Health technocrats like Fauci came to be hated by Trump supporters, not just for seeking to shut down churches and ruin the lives of countless business owners, but for setting themselves up as political opponents of the administration through daily press releases and other means of contradicting the White House.

It only makes sense that Trump’s supporters would extend this distrust of the bureaucracy to those who count the votes. After all, who counts the votes has always been of utmost importance. It’s why renowned political cartoonist Thomas Nast had Boss Tweed utter these words in an 1871 cartoon: “As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it?”

Boss Tweed


This has always been a good question.

Old party bosses like Tweed are now out of the picture, but the votes nowadays are calculated and certified instead by people who, like Tweed, have their own ideological views and their own political interests. The official vote counts are handed down by bureaucratic election officials and by party officials, most of whom are outside the circles of Trump loyalists.

Given the outright political and bureaucratic opposition Trump has faced from other corners of the administrative state, there seems to be little reason for his supporters to trust those who count the votes.

Learning to Mistrust the Administrative State

Thus, whether facing FBI agents or election officials, Trump supporters learned to take official government reports and pronouncements with a healthy dose of skepticism. The end result: for the first time, under Trump, the American administrative state came to be widely viewed as a political force seeking to undermine a legitimately elected president, and as a political interest group in itself.

Naturally, the media and the administrative state itself have reacted to this with outrage and disbelief that anyone could believe that the professional technocrats and bureaucrats could have anything in mind other than selfless, efficient service to the greater good. The idea that lifelong employees of the regime might be biased against a man supposedly tasked with dismantling the regime was—we were assured—absurd.

Civil Service Reform and the Rise of the Permanent Bureaucracy

Although Trump’s supporters may get some of the details wrong, the distrustful view of the bureaucracy is the more accurate and realistic view. The view of the American administrative state as impartial, nonideological, and aloof from politics has always been the naïve view, and one pushed by the Progressive reformers who created this class of permanent government “experts.”

Before these Progressives triumphed in the early twentieth century, this permanent class of technocrats, bureaucrats and “experts” did not exist in the United States. Prior to civil service reform in the late nineteenth century, most bureaucratic jobs—at all levels of government—were given to party loyalists. When Republicans won the White House, the Republican president filled bureaucratic positions with political supporters. Other parties did the same.

This was denounced by reformers, who maligned this system as “the spoils system.” Reformers insisted that American politics would be far less corrupt, more efficient, and less politicized, if permanently appointed experts in public administration were put into these positions instead.

The Administrative State as an Interest Group

But the rub was that in spite of claims by the reformers, there was never any reason to assume this new class of administrators would be politically neutral. The first sign of danger in this regard was the fact that those who wanted civil service reform seemed to come from a very specific background. Murray Rothbard writes:

The civil service Reformers were a remarkably homogeneous group. Concentrated almost exclusively in the urban Northeast, including New York City and especially Boston, the Reformers virtually constituted an older, highly educated and articulate elite. From families of old patrician wealth, mercantile and financial rather than coming from new industries, these men despised what they saw as the crass materialism of the nouveau riche, as well as their lack of good breeding or education at Harvard or Yale. Not only were the Reformers merchants, attorneys, and educators, but they virtually constituted the most influential “media elite” of the day: editors, writers, and scholars.

In practice, as Rothbard has shown, civil service reform did not eliminate corruption or bias in the administration of the regime. Rather, the advent of the civil service only shifted bureaucratic power away from working-class party loyalists, and toward middle-class and university-educated personnel. These people, of course, had their own socioeconomic backgrounds and political agendas, as suggested by one anti-reform politician at the time who recognized that civil service exams would be employed to direct jobs in a certain direction:

So, sir, it comes to this at last, that…the dunce who had been crammed up to a diploma at Yale, and comes fresh from his cramming, will be preferred in all civil service appointments to the ablest, most successful, and most upright business man of the country, who either did not enjoy the benefit of early education, or from whose mind, long engrossed in practical pursuits, the details and niceties of academic knowledge have faded away as the headlands disappear when the mariner bids his native land good night.

Gone were the old party activists who had worked their way up to a position of power from local communities in which they had skin in the game. The new technocrats were something else entirely.

Today, of course, the bureaucracy continues to be characterized by ideological leanings of its own. For example, government workers, from the federal level down, skew heavily Democrat. They have more job security. They’re better paid. They’re less rural. They have more formal education. It’s a safe bet the bureaucracy isn’t chock full of Trump supporters. Civil service reform didn’t eliminate corruption and bias. It simply created a different kind.

Trump supporters recognize that these people don’t go away when “their guy” wins. These are permanent civil “servants” whom Trump supporters suspect—with good reason—have been thoroughly opposed to the Trump administration.

So, if the FBI and the Pentagon have already demonstrated their officials are willing to break and bend rules to obstruct Trump, why believe the administrative class when they insist elections are free and fair and all above board? Many have found little reason to do so.

From, here.

Pollard Is a Symbol…

Pollard and the great Jewish divide

By Caroline Glick, JNS

Israelis celebrated the Pollards’ arrival. In contrast, American Jews bristled both at the news and the happiness with which Israelis greeted them.

The rift between Israeli and American Jews is palpable almost everywhere you turn today. The most glaring disparity surrounds how they view President Donald Trump. The vast majority of Israelis adore Trump. The vast majority of American Jews despise him.

But Trump isn’t the only thing or even the main thing that separates them. The main issue that separates Israelis from American Jews is the issue of exile. Israelis by and large hold to the traditional Jewish view that all Jewish communities outside of Israel are exile—or diaspora—communities. American Jews, by and large, believe that the exile exists in all Jewish communities outside Israel except in America. This disagreement is existential. It goes to the heart of what it means to be a Jew.

The divide between Israeli and American Jews is more apparent today than in the past, but has been around since the dawn of modern Zionism. However, if one date marks the point it became an irreversible rift it is Nov. 20, 1985, the day Jonathan Pollard was arrested outside Israel’s embassy in Washington, D.C.

From the day of his arrest, Pollard became not only the symbol of the divide, but to a degree also its cause. That divide was unmistakable on Wednesday morning when the news broke that in the middle of the previous night, Pollard and his wife, Esther, had landed in Israel.

Israelis celebrated the Pollards’ arrival. Many wept watching the footage of Pollard kiss the ground at the airport.

In contrast, American Jews bristled both at the news and the happiness with which Israelis greeted Pollard’s arrival.

One writer angrily wrote on Twitter, “As an American Jew this isn’t a bit exciting. He spied on America. There’s no reason to celebrate this.”

Once Pollard’s parole restrictions were removed in November, it was a foregone conclusion that he would quickly make aliyah. Many Jewish officials in both the Trump administration and previous administrations expressed concern about the upcoming event that resonated with the angry posters on Twitter.

“I really hope you Israelis aren’t going to turn his arrival into a carnival,” one said recently, in a burst of frustration.

What explains their anger and frustration?

Continue reading…

From Janglo, here.

The Life of a Jewish Bookseller

Entries from The Diary of a Jewish Bookseller Jan 2021

A visibly Irritated man calls insisting I tell him why he is receiving unsolicited books from my store.  Turns out that someone was purchasing books on controlling your anger and sending them at regular intervals to this man’s address.
A Non-profit whose aim is stated as preserving the history and literature of Syrian Jews called my store and requested, or rather insisted that I don’t sell copies of their publication which I acquire second-hand as they want to be the exclusive source for their publications

A customer from rural Texas sends me this message after our lengthy call was disconnected. “Sorry about the interference.   I am curious myself about it.   I was left with a fuzzy brain as I hung up –  interesting. But I can break their power over me by speaking in tongues to God, so I did and the fuzzy is clearing…..   They never went that far before!   I don’t know who ‘they’ are but as long as I am on the Lord’s side, I can stay in the Spirit of God….   I have learned a lot about what warfare is in the Spirit….   speaking in tongues (I do it loudly!)  is the most powerful.    They can’t fight against it.”

A response to an email I sent to a customer telling him that the book he requested arrived: “I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you regarding this book.  Unfortunately, Mr. Lipman passed away around 5:30 p.m. on Monday, September 16.  I never had a chance to even ask him about the book.  His death was very unexpected and we are all in shock.  Thank you for all of your help obtaining the books.”

A response from a customer who received a book in the mail from me. “I am interested in the newspaper you used to pack my books. I would like to get a subscription to it . I would call them if I had the phone number of their office and see about having it sent to me. ! Please, will you send the number? Thank you in advance……”

A visit to a local home to acquire books turned in to a two hour lecture and overview of the lady of the house’s stand on vaccination. They were in the process of emigrating to avoid the forced vaccination of their children with the Covid-vaccine. 
A bride to be called to order a Meam Loez in the original Ladino, as per the ancient Turkish Jewish tradition where a groom would receive a Meam Loez on his wedding day
An order came through for a set of Zohar in English going to a Japanese woman incarcerated in Rikers. It was explained to me how the Japanese are descended from the lost tribes of Israel and how their literatures complement each other.
A local slightly confused customer asked if I was planning on being closed on both days of Tishah Be’av

A traditional Syrian Jew requested to view a manuscript in the handwriting of the Ben Ish Hai, but insisted I find him a head-covering beforehand in respect of the sanctity of the writing. 

A noted CNN TV anchor inquired from my store who was sending her books on Anti-Semitism from my store, she was impressed when I explained that it was most likely someone who thought she can use some insights in to the topic and was buying them and sending them to her address.

Just got a rundown and comparison of the Artscroll Sephardic Siddur vs the Moroccan English translation of the Siddur from a African-American convert to Judaism

A purchase of 10 Yom Kippur Machzorim was returned after the holiday by a lady from California as she explained to me that she no longer needed them as the holiday was now over

An order for a copy of the “Sanctity of the Mechitzah” by Baruch Litvin came with a note that it was intended as a gift for a great-granddaughter’s wedding and the wedding will indeed sport a mechitzah
A walk-in who claimed to be a professional graphologist spent an extended amount of time analyzing the handwriting of manuscripts of the Chafetz Chaim and Ben In Hai in my possession, showing me how their differing personalities are evident in the handwriting styles
A regular customer currently in a Florida Jail requested I write to his parole board advocating for his release. 
An mail came in from an author with a request to pay for space in store for titles such as “Living For Higher Purpose: Story of a City Boy Who Survived the Vietnam War by Living for Jesus and Others”
The widow of a rabbi whose extensive and all-encompassing library I acquired told me how she served for decades as her husbands librarian, retrieving and shelving books as needed.
A customer from the rural mid-west, hearing of the hard-hit areas in Brooklyn due to covid, sent me $300 to be distributed to a needy family locally
A caller insisted I arranged to have books picked up from his home immediately as he wanted his house tidy in the expectation of guests

Continue reading…

From Musings of a Jewish Bookseller, here.

כיצד נראה ‘דעת תורה’ מבפנים

גונבי הדעת והדת / הרב אליהו קאופמן

    פרשת נעילת האברך התמים בחדר ההמתנה של הגר”ח קנייאבסקי, ע”י נכדו של הגר”ח, היא עוד דוגמא לשקר שבטענה שמי שקובע ופוסק ליהדות החרדית בישראל הם “גדולי הדור”. מזמן הפסיקה התורתית עברה בעיקר לנכדים המודרניים והפרו חילוניים. וכול זאת גם בענייני פיקוח נפש, כמו בעניין מחלת “הקורונה”.

    באתר האינטרנט ששמו “בעולמם של חרדים” פורסמה הקלטה מסעירה. אחד מאברכי ישראל ניגש לרב חיים קנייאבסקי לשאלו לגבי החיסון מ”הקורונה”. הגר”ח קנייאבסקי שלל את החיסון מכול וכול והורה לשואל, לאשתו ולילדיו להימנע ממנו. איכשהו הצליח השואל להקליט את דברי הרב ואיכשהו גילה זאת נכדו של הרב, המשמש כשומר, מביא, מכניס ומסתבר שגם מוציא בלשכת הרב. הנכד – מגובה בבני משפחתו ובסייעניו להשלטת הטרור והסדר בלשכה, הורה לאברך למחוק את ההקלטה כתנאי לכך שהאברך יוכל לצאת דרך הדלת ולא יכלא שם! כול השיחה בין השניים הוקלטה והושמעה אח”כ באתר “בעולמם של חרדים”. האברך צלצל למשטרה וזו איימה שתפרוץ את הדלת אבל את “הפוליטרוקים” בשחור לבן – בראשות “הנכד המסור” זה כלל לא עניין. האברך אולץ למחוק את ההוראה של הגר”ח קנייאבסקי לאחר שאוים בעוד מיני איומים. לא לחינם איים הנכד על האברך, משום שבחוצות הערים והשכונות החרדיות מפורסמות הודעות מטעם הגר”ח קנייאבסקי שיש לעבור חיסון לאתר. דהיינו, כול סיפור “ככול אשר יורוך” איננו דווקא מכוון לשמוע לגדולי ישראל באמת ובתמים אלא מכוון לשמוע לאלה המושכים בחוטיהם, ובדור האחרון אלה הם בעיקר הנכדים. ולנכדים הללו יש בעיקר אינטרסים כלכליים ומוביליים עם השלטון החילוני,שבעטיים הם הופכים את הוראות זקניהם לרפורמיות.

                                  הבעיה איננה רק מחלת “הקורונה”

      הבעיה איננה רק מחלת “הקורונה” – בעיה קשה ומורכבת כשלעצמה. המוני חרדים הלכו להתחסן רק משום שראו את מודעת השקר בשמו של הגר”ח קנייאבסקי. הבעיה היא שורשית יותר. כול יום שני וחמישי יוצאות מודעות בשמו של הגר”ח ומסתבר לנו עכשיו כי יש בהחלט לחשוש ששקר הן, כולל מבצעי תרומות שהגר”ח מורה להעניק, ומבטיח ברכות ותפילות תמורת כך. בערבית קוראים לזה: ” קלאם פאדי”. ההקלטה מ”בעולמם של חרדים” חשפה סופית את מה שכותב שוות אלה וחבריו טוענים מזמן: מושג “גדולי הדור” מזמן הפך לבדיחה ולעניין של הונאת הרבים ע”י עסקנים פוליטיים חרדים שמסתייעים בנכדי ובמשמשי הרבנים הזקנים כדי להתקלס במאמינים תמימים. כך זה בתרומות, כך זה בבחירות, כך זה בהוראות דתיות רפורמיסטיות וכך זה גם בענייני פיקוח נפש, כמו מחלת “הקורונה” הארורה. הייתי כבר “בסרט” הזה מספר פעמים בשלושת העשורים האחרונים.

                                           דוגמאות לא חסר

     לפני כתשע שנים הייתי אולי היחיד בנתיים שהצליח להחתים את כול גדולי הרבנים ואת כול בתי הדין החרדיים הגדולים על עצומה אחת. זו הייתה העצומה שקראה להפקיע מידי הפדרציה המתבוללת של רומניה את בלעדיותה בשמירת בתי העלמין היהודיים שם – לאחר שהיא החלה למכור חלקות קברים, בתי עלמין ואף בתי כנסת לממסד הרומני ולאילי נדל”ן. העצומה ביקשה גם לשנות את החוק הרומני עקב כך ולהפקיע את בעלות ההקדש היהודי במדינה זו כבעלות פרטית של הפדרציה היהודית שם. במסגרת הזו יצא לי להיכנס ללא ממעט רבנים גדולים ולחוות כי את המו”מ יש לנהל עם איזה משמש זוטר או כמובן עם נכד “מיוחס” והחתימה אמנם באה אח”כ, אבל לא תמיד הרב עצמו בכלל ידע שהוא חתם. היו אמנם רבנים ובתי דין חרדים ששטחתי בפניהם את הבעיה והם עצמם – הרבנים, האדמו”רים והדיינים חתמו, אבל היו גם כאלה שלא כך היו פני הדברים. היה מקרה שנכנסתי להיפגש עם גדול הדור של אותם הימים ומי שבאמת פגשני היה נכדו. האחרון הסתכל במסמכים והחליט שיחתום במקום סבו רק בתנאי שחתימת הסב תתנוסס בסמוך לבית דין אחד שחתם ולא ביחד עם בית הדין אחר שהוחתם. הסכמתי ל”דיל” והנכד חתם במקום הסב. במקרה אחר נכנסתי לגדול דור אחר – של אותם הימים, בידיעה שחתימתו של רב אחר עלולה להזיק לחתימתו האפשרית של אותו גדול דור. מה הופתעתי ברגע שאותו גדול דור ביקש לחתום רק ליד חתימת הרב שחשבת שיתנגד לו, ולא ליד שאר הרבנים! מסתבר שמשמשיו ובניו של אותו גדול הדור הפיצו כול העת שקרים, שכביכול גדול הדור מתנגד בכול כוחו לרב המסוים הלה, בעוד שהאמת הייתה הפוכה לגמרי. שנים לפני חתימת העצומה הזו ליויתי שני אברכים מברסלב שנכנסו לאחד מגדול הדור דאז וניסו לשכנעו לצאת נגד הנסיעות לאומן. באמצע השיחה נכנסו בני משפחתו ומשמשיו של אותו גדול דור והוציאו את השניים בכוח, כשהרב הגדול ממשיך לדבר בנושא הלה גם כשבחדר נמצאים כבר אנשים אחרים…

                                           “הגדולים” האמיתיים

       הנכדים והמשמשים בחצרות הרבנים הגדולים הם בעצם סוכני פוליטיקה ושלמונים וביחד עם עסקנים חצי חילוניים הם אלה שהיום קובעים את “אשר יורוך” ליהדות החרדית, תוך משיכת חוטי הבובות הללו בידי כופרים ועסקנים אנטי דתיים, המעוניינים להעביר את היהדות החרדית מעולם התורה. כך זה בש”ס, כך זה ב”דגל התורה” וכך זה גם ב”אגודת ישראל”. האדמו”ר היחיד – ביהדות החרדית שכפופה למדינת ישראל, המחליט על דעת עצמו ולא על דעת משמשו או נכדו, ושבאמת מורה לנציגיו כיצד לנהוג, הוא האדמו”ר מבלזא שליט”א.

מתאר יורה דעה, כאן.