Appeal: Fire in Ramat Beit Shemesh Leaves Family HOMELESS

🔥SERIOUS FIRE in Ramat Beit Shemesh leaves family HOMELESS

A family in Ramat Beit Shemesh just had their entire life go up in flames. Their children are left homeless and hungry, and they need your help to survive.

The father is a תלמיד חכם who has dedicated his life to Torah, but his meager earnings have barely been enough to support his large family. Just scraping by, the family has learned to make do with the little it had, but now even that has been lost, as they have been dealt a devastating blow.

The little apartment the family lived in was completely destroyed by fire on Monday afternoon. Everything they possessed was completely ruined. They are now entirely out of money and unable to buy a new home, clothing, diapers, or even food to feed their kids.

Please—let’s give this family a life! תזכו למצות!

Go to The Chesed Fund here…


מה ההבדל? ‘אומר מותר’ של שומר מצוות ו’אומר מותר’ של חילוני

ז”ל הגרש״ז אויערבך זצ״ל (מנחת שלמה נדרים כ״ח א’), מתוך ההקדמה לס’ סלע מדינה שהבאנו כאן (לא ראיתי בפנים):

״נכון להדגיש, שאף אם אנו אומרים שאין שייך דינא דמלכותא כיום, אין בזה משום חילול השם, שהרי החפשים וכו’ אומרים בפירוש שמחמת הדת אין שום פחד לנגד עיניהם, וא״כ אותו הדבר אומרים גם שומרי התורה, כי הרי אין אנו אומרים שמצד הדת הננו חייבים לעבור על הדינים, רק אומרים שמותר, ודבר זה הרי כל החפשים ג״כ אומרים כך”.

אבל באמת החילונים רק משקרים את עצמם כאילו לית דין ולית דיין. רובא דרובא הוא באמת “יהודי בלב”, א”כ נמצא כאילו הוא בעל דרך ארץ “מן הישוב” ואילו ההוא גברא שמשים ודאי כספק ופורץ גדרי עולם כמה מכוערין דרכיו וכו’ וכו’.

ועוד, שהם טוענים שיש מוסר כפרני “במקום” משפטי התורה, אלא שאיננו מקבלים אותו, א”כ יצאנו קרחים מכאן ומכאן, וכאילו באנו מקדושה חמורה לקדושה קלה לפי דעתם. א”כ, ההלכה מוחקת את ה”מוסר הטבעי“.

ועוד, דאפילו מ”ש “אין אנו אומרים שמצד הדת הננו חייבים לעבור על הדינים” רחוק מלהיות אמת, כי אין  “רשות” מוחלטת.

(ובכלל, כל הסברות-כרס-ללא-ראיה של הרש”ז אויערבאך מאד חשודות בעיני, ואכמ”ל.)

אבל י”ל דבאמת כשאין שייך דינא דמלכותא כיום אין זה אילוץ מבלי מלח, ורשעים הללו צריכים לבא במערות צרים ובמחלות עפר מרוב פחד ובושה מהסדרת הברבריות. והמדינה בימינו בכל מקום היא היפך המוסר הטבעי ג”כ.

אדרבא, אם אמרינן דינא דמלכותא גם בזה”ז באיזה מקום או איזה ציור, ה”ז כמעט דבר התמוה לרבים, ולא תהא תורה שלמה שלנו כשיחה בטלה שלהם, וק”ל.

Nassim Taleb: The ‘Lecturing Birds How to Fly’ Effect

Found in the brickyard here (this may be in one of his books, too):

Know howKnow what
Fat Tony wisdom, Aristotelian phronesisAristotelian logic
Implicit , TacitExplicit
Nondemonstrative knowledgeDemonstrative knowledge
Experiential knowledgeEpistemic base
HeuristicPropositional knowledge
TinkeringDirected research
BricolageTargeted activity
Tinkering, stochastic tinkeringDirected search
Epilogism (Menodotus of Nicomedia and the school of empirical medicine)Inductive knowledge
Historia a sensate cognitioCausative historiography
Austrian economicsNeoclassical economics
Bottom up libertarianismCentral Planner
Spirit of the LawLetter of the Law
Brooklyn, AmiounCambridge, MA, and UK
Accident, trial and errorDesign
Ecological uncertainty, not tractable in textbookLudic probability, statistics textbooks
Parallel processingSerial processing
Off-modelOn-model, model based
Side effect of a drugNational Institute of Health

But how come Taleb doesn’t mention Brisk\Chazon Ish?!

By the way, see this.

Rabbi Pinchas Winston eBook on the Downfall of American Society

Check out Rabbi Pinchas Winston‘s ebook here:

See Ya: Regarding the Downfall of American Society

Length: 136 pages

It is a common assumption that Mankind has advanced over the millennia in every way, scientifically, technologically, philosophically. It is also commonly assumed that religion was only necessary until man became sophisticated enough to reject it. But this may be the basis of modern man’s downfall. It always has been.

You can read the first few chapters for free on the site.

Hyehudi Responds (Regarding Rabbi Dovid Cohen)…

For those who don’t read every word ever posted here, and do thorough, regular chazarah (gasp!), here is the chronology of events:

First, there was this, posted approx. weeks back (sending readers to an article by Yechezkel Hirshman against Rabbi Dovid Cohen’s remarks): The Torah Doesn’t Exactly Belong to Rabbi Dovid Cohen…

Then, noticing I posted one too many articles that day, I reposted it again a few days ago. A Hyehudi reader helped me see the original article had since been hidden, which I subsequently noted to all readers. Mr. Hirshman wrote us a letter I made public yesterday.

Following are some excerpts and my response:

… I have really only seen two posts referenced and the substance of these two posts in particular give me a bit of insight. (Oddly enough, they both mention Rav Dovid Cohen.)

Actually, we referenced this gem, as well.

… I think you likewise have an obligation to notify me if you reference my posts.

My own policy is to approach the mentioned writer if their email address is public (including those using pseudonyms) only in case of both lengthy, and personal, or especially biting criticism, such as I did with this and this (which I was planning to do with Mr. Hirshman as well). In all other cases, I rely on the writers’ own writing mediums to inform them (I believe “backlinks” are enabled by default on Blogger, as well). Even if doing more wasn’t near-impossible to, as a curated aggregation site, this would still be unnecessary.

Back to the deleted post, all I will say on why I deleted it is that Rav Dovid Cohen is still a distinguished person and represents the Torah world, so to denigrate him any more than is absolutely necessary would be  לא תלין נבלתו because, when any distinguished Torah personality is disgraced, it is  קללת אלוקים תלוי and I do my utmost to be sensitive to Kavod shamayim.

I cannot concur.

I have written more about my views on these questions here, here, and here (start at “By the way”).

Rabbi Cohen does not represent the Torah itself, since, as Rabbi Yitzchak Brand says, Torah observance is parceled out among various groups, so who cares what community he represents?

Rabbi Cohen hasn’t retracted his ignorant, one-sided nonsense or personal smears and incitement to abandon the Temple Mount [All in one! Here is the original quote] (or anything he and his ilk blindly and uncaringly caused with Coronavirus craziness, as noted by Mr. Hirshman himself!), so why should his voiceless, forcibly anonymous critics fall silent? Mr. Hirshman says Rabbi Cohen is being “disgraced”, but that is by his own hand (or honest disagreement, not disgrace).

See especially this: Repeating a Rabbi’s Own Words Is Not Lashon Hara!

To the contrary! The “קללת אלוקים תלוי” is that people like him don’t fear saying things like that. And the masses or non-Jews assume all observant Jews are like that (which is the Gemara’s reasoning behind “מפרסמין את החנפים מפני חלול השם” in cases of physically committed sins), or “מדשתקי רבנן ש”מ ניחא להו”, Heaven forfend.

And the so-called “Torah world” has looong been the “אין לי אלא תורה” world!