Corona: The Doctors Hid the REAL Medicines…

Eminent doc: Media Censored COVID-19 Early Treatment Options That Could Have Reduced Fatalities by 85%

Dr. Peter McCullough also explained that given an 80% level of herd immunity, broad vaccination has ‘no scientific, clinical or safety rationale.’

AUSTIN, Texas, April 8, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — An exceedingly well-qualified physician, who was censored by YouTube last year, addressed the Texas State Senate Health and Human Service Committee last month providing thorough information on successful treatments of COVID-19, the present high-level of herd immunity from the disease, the very limited potential of “vaccines,” and the data that shows early treatment could have saved up to 85 percent of the “over 500,000 deaths in the United States.”

Dr. Peter McCullough, MD is an internist and cardiologist, along with being a professor of medicine at Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center. He is distinguished as the most published person in history in his field and an editor of two major medical journals.

McCullough explained that from the beginning of the pandemic, he refused to let his patients “languish at home with no treatment and then be hospitalized when it was too late,” which was the typical treatment protocol being discussed, promoted and offered across the west.

He thus “put together a team of doctors” to study “appropriately prescribed off-label use of conventional medicine” to treat the illness and they published their findings in the American Journal of Medicine.

“The interesting thing was, (that while) there were 50,000 papers in the peer-reviewed literature on COVID, not a single one told the doctor how to treat it,” he said. “When does that happen? I was absolutely stunned! And when this paper was published … it became … the most cited paper in basically all of medicine at that time the world.”

With the help of his daughter, Dr. McCullough recorded a YouTube video incorporating four slides from the “peer-reviewed paper published in one of the best medical journals in the world” discussing early treatments for COVID-19. The video quickly “went absolutely viral. And within about a week YouTube said ‘you violated the terms of the community’” and they pulled it down.

Due to the “near total block on any information of treatment to patients,” Sen. Bob Johnson hosted a November hearing on this important topic where McCullough was the lead witness.

With such an aggressive suppression of information on early treatments, and the default policy in COVID-19 testing centers to not offer any such resources to those who test positive for the infection, McCullough said, “No wonder we have had 45,000 deaths in Texas. The average person in Texas thinks there’s no treatment!”

And the blackout of such vital information goes well beyond the blatant censorship of big tech companies. McCullough said, “What has gone on has been beyond belief! How many of you have turned on a local news station, or a national cable news station, and ever gotten an update on treatment at home? How many of you have ever gotten a single word about what to do when you get handed the diagnosis of COVID-19? That is a complete and total failure at every level!”

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From Lifesite News, here.

The World Marches On – And So Do Malthusians!

The Overpopulation Hoax

Gary North – March 12, 2021

From 2011.

Beginning in the mid-1960’s, a propaganda campaign has been waged against the West. Those favoring government control over the economy have used the fear of a population explosion to persuade voters to allow the governments of the world to interfere with their lives. The Greens have made predictions about famine. These predictions began in 1798 in An Essay on Population, written by T. Robert Malthus. The first edition was published anonymously. His bold prediction of inevitable poverty was dropped in later editions, but people remember the first edition.

We need to know how long this nonsense has been going on. We need to recognize it when we hear it or see it.


Concern over population growth escalated in the 1960’s, especially after the counter-culture movement appeared around 1965. A major news magazine in the United States, U.S. News and World Report, announced in 1965: “The World’s Biggest Problem.” It asked: “How can the world feed all its people, at the rate the population is growing?” This article had been preceded by “World Choice: Limit Population or Face Famine.” Even National Review, then the most influential conservative intellectual magazine in the United States, got on the bandwagon in 1965.

In 1968, Dr. Paul Ehrlich’s best-selling book, The Population Bomb, was published. In it, Ehrlich, a Stanford University professor of biology, warned: “The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970’s the world will undergo famines — hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. At this late date nothing can prevent a substantial increase in the world death rate. . . .” A far better estimate of the threat of worldwide famine was made in 1969 by Harvard University nutritionist Jean Meyer, who predicted that “food may at some time (20 or 30 years from now) be removed altogether as a limiting factor in population.” Meyer’s viewpoint received very little publicity, although it was to prove correct within a decade.

The predicted famines did not occur in the 1970’s or the 1980’s. What did occur was a surplus of food. The apocalyptic critics in 1965 should have paid more attention to the statistics of food production. After 1950, worldwide grain production increased steadily. From 1950 through 1975, this increase was in the range of 25% to 40% per capita. In the less developed countries (excluding Communist China), the increase was in the 13% range. Between 1950 and 1980, the world’s supply of arable land grew by more than 20%, and it grew even faster in the less developed countries. From 1967 to 1977, the world’s irrigated acreage grew by more than 25%. The price of seed, fertilizer, pesticides, and farm equipment also dropped in this period, in some cases by as much as half. In the 1980’s, grain farmers all over the world suffered economic losses as a result of overproduction. While these trends may not be permanent, they did create a tremendous public relations problem for the heralded famine-predictors of the counter-culture era (1965-70).

What also occurred was a dramatic fall of birth rates in undeveloped nations: a contraceptive revolution. In 1979, Ehrlich referred back to his book and others like it that had prophesied rising birth rates in the 1970’s: “But we were all dead wrong.” He still held that a crisis was coming: perhaps famine, or a pandemic, or nuclear war. In 1980, he made a $1,000 bet with University of Maryland economist Julian Simon over the future price of five metals — a bet on the limits to growth. Simon predicted that prices would be lower. He proved correct; Ehrlich paid off the bet in 1990. He could easily afford to pay off; in that same year, he was granted a $345,000 MacArthur Foundation Prize and half of the $240,000 Craford Prize, the ecologists’ version of the Nobel Prize. Simon was unknown to the general public. The media were overwhelmingly supportive of the apocalyptics. Rival viewpoints on the population question, despite the overwhelming evidence, received little attention from the major opinion-makers. The opinion-makers were strongly opposed to population growth because they were strongly pro-abortion. The apocalyptics seemed to provide scientific evidence for a looming catastrophe. This reinforced the legalization of abortion in 1973 (Roe v. Wade).

In 1942, Warren Thompson warned of the decline in the birth rate in Western Europe and its colonies, 1890-1940. “It is the most important demographic change of our time.” This decline in birth rates in the West has generally continued, although in the early 1990’s, it was reversed in the United States. By the late 1980’s, there was no Western European nation except Ireland with a birth rate anywhere near 2.1 children per family — the family replacement rate. Had Islamic birth rates been excluded, the birth rate figures would have been much lower in several nations. West Germany’s birth rate had fallen so low by the late 1970’s that the German population will die out in the year 2500 if the same birth rate is maintained. (There will be plenty of Muslims, especially Turks, to replace them.) By the late 1980’s, a new warning was being sounded: European life spans were lengthening, birth rates were dropping, and government retirement programs were facing a looming crisis: too many recipients, too few taxpaying workers. Yet the apocalyptics continue to warn of an impending explosion, a population bomb.


In 1980, a Presidential Commission reported to the President of the United States on the impending crises. Unlike most reports from Presidential commissions, this three-volume report received worldwide publicity. It was titled, Global 2000 Report to the President, but became known simply as Global 2000. It was a deeply political document. It was also a classic Malthusian document, meaning the 1798 Malthus, not the more mature Malthus. It warned on page 1:

If present trends continue, the world in 2000 will be more crowded, more polluted, less stable ecologically, and more vulnerable to disruption than the world we live in now. Serious stresses involving population, resources, and environment are clearly visible ahead. Despite greater material output, the world’s people will be poorer in many ways than they are today.

For hundreds of millions of the desperately poor, the outlook for food and other necessities of life will be no better. For many it will be worse. Barring revolutionary advances in technology, life for most people on earth will be more precarious in 2000 than it is now — unless the nations of the world act decisively to alter current trends.

Nothing like this happened. Two comments are relevant here. First, there has been no revolutionary technological development, for example, along the lines of nanotechnology, where molecule-sized mechanical assemblers put together atoms and molecules in order to produce organic as well as inorganic substances in almost limitless quantities. This development, if it comes, will at last force a drastic revision of the legacy of Malthus. It looks technologically feasible sometime before the year 2070, but it has not happened yet. Second, “the nations of the world” — read: national governments — poured tens of billions of dollars worth of aid into the third world in the 1980’s, but in the handful of isolated socialist economies of Africa, things nevertheless grew worse. Outside of these tiny socialist economies, which were also suffering from civil war, the predicted food crises did not take place.

This absence of crises was predicted by a group of scholars in a book published in 1984: The Resourceful Earth. This book received very little attention from the press. Its editors offered another scenario: “If present trends continue, the world in 2000 will be less crowded (though more populated), less polluted, more stable ecologically, and less vulnerable to resource-supply disruption than the world we live in now. Stresses involving population, resources, and environment will be less in the future than now . . . The world’s people will be richer in most ways than they are today . . . The outlook for food and other necessities of life will be better . . . life for most people on earth will be less precarious economically than it is now.” This prediction came true for all but North Korea and Cuba.

The Malthusian apocalyptics in 1980 dismissed as irrelevant two centuries of economic and technological progress: 1780-1980. They also ignored earlier periods of population growth in European history. Economic historian Karl Helleiner writes:

The opinion, still widely held, that before the eighteenth century, Europe’s population, though subject to violent short-run fluctuations, remained stationary over long periods, or was growing only imperceptibly, is, I believe, no longer tenable. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that those oscillations were superimposed on clearly recognizable “long waves.” At least two periods of secular increase can be tolerably well identified in the demographic history of medieval and early modern Europe, the first extending from about the middle of the eleventh to the end of the thirteenth, the second from the middle of the fifteenth to the end of the sixteenth, century. . . . In this sense the demographic development of the eighteenth century was not unique. What was unprecedented about it was the fact that the secular upward movement started from a higher level, and that it was able to maintain, and for some time even increase, its momentum. Population growth in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, unlike that of previous epochs, was not terminated or reversed by catastrophe.

Something changed after 1750. The world experienced what Adam Smith taught in The Wealth of Nations (1776): economic freedom produces rapid, long-term growth.

Economic freedom is necessary but not sufficient to produce long-term population growth. A religious worldview favorable to large families must accompany economic liberty. Men must believe what David wrote so long ago: “As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate” (Ps. 127:4-5). The issue here is world dominion under God. This faith has faded rapidly in the humanist West. With falling birth rates among the populations of the industrialized world, rates of population growth are headed lower. When third-world nations industrialize, they almost certainly — a very dangerous phrase in demographics — will experience the same thing. (We must always add: unless people change their minds and then change their behavior.) It has already happened in Iran, whose birth rate is close to Germany’s: 1.4 children per woman.

The Malthusians always talk about the burden of more mouths to feed. They never talk about the economic benefits of more hands to work and more minds to think creatively beginning two decades later. They ignore the long-term capital returns from a 15-year or 20-year capital investment in morality and education. That is, they are present-oriented and therefore lower-class social theorists. Sadly, vocal Christian intellectuals in the late twentieth century joined the camp of the Malthusians.

Are many people facing famine today? If so, what is the proper solution? If not, why are so many Western intellectuals convinced that famine is imminent? How could a supposedly serious pair of scholars have written a book in 1967 titled, Famine-1975!? The famine never appeared. Instead, food prices fell. Per capita consumption of food rose. Yet the myth of looming food shortages continues to be believed. From 1798 until the present, Malthus’ predictions have been refuted by the facts, decade after decade. The West has experienced a growing population with increasing per capita consumption of food. Yet the myth still flourishes in the West. That starvation is possible in a major war is quite possible. The question is: If we avoid such a major war, is a famine inevitable? The apocalyptics’ answer: yes. This answer has been proven incorrect for over two centuries, but generation after generation of apocalyptics learn nothing from the evidence. Theirs is a religious worldview, impervious to the historical record.


In January 1994, a nationally circulated newspaper insert magazine, Parade, ran a three-page interview with Mikhail Gorbachev, the deposed ruler of the Soviet Union (1991), who immediately became the head of an environmentalist organization called the Green Cross. This worn-out Communist war horse was proclaiming the statist party line. Collectivist that he was, his enemy was still the same: the American consumer, who has too much wealth.

If we’re going to protect the planet’s ecology, we’re going to need to find alternatives to the consumerist dream that is attracting the world. Otherwise, how will we conserve our resources, and how will we avoid setting people against each other when resources are depleted? . . .America must be an example to the world. America should do what we have done — that is, to abandon any attempt to impose a certain model on other peoples. If we just say, “Xerox the American way and standard of living,” then we must answer the question, “What do we do about the fact that 260 million people in America use 40% of the world’s energy resources, and the 5 billion people in the rest of the world use what’s left?” America must be the teacher of democracy to the world, but not the advertiser of the consumer society. It is unrealistic for the rest of the world to reach the American living standard. The world can’t support that. Even now, only one third of the world’s population is provided for adequately. We should, therefore, develop other models.

He called for “a new consciousness based on environmental justice.” There is no blueprint, but there must be action. A new evolution is upon us. “There is no clear answer, except that the old ideologies in our civilization must give way to the new challenges of our civilization. The growing environmental movement must be a vehicle for that.”

What is worth noting is that only a few weeks before, on November 28, 1993, the New York Times “Op Ed” page published an essay by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in which he proclaimed an almost identical thesis. The article was titled, “To Tame Savage Capitalism.” If any person was responsible for destroying the reputation of Soviet Communism in the West, it was he. His three-volume study, The Gulag Archipelago, chronicled the terrorism of Soviet Communism from Lenin to the 1960’s, and he was generally believed by Western intellectuals, who had rejected similar reports for over half a century. He was exiled from the USSR in 1974. The critic of the Soviet Union has also been the critic of Western capitalism. He now joins hands — or at least propaganda efforts — with Mr. Gorbachev, the protegé of Mr. Andropov, the former head of the KGB, the Soviet secret police that Solzhenitsyn despised.

In his essay, Solzhenitsyn decried the spiritual vacuum in the former Soviet Union, a vacuum that capitalism cannot fill. This has been a continuing theme in his writings: the failure of secularism, East and West. The West is now in trouble. It now faces “environmental ruin” and “the global population explosion.” The third world constitutes four-fifths of mankind, and will soon constitute five-sixths. It is “drowning in poverty and misery,” and it will soon “step forward with an ever-growing list of demands to the advanced nations.” He, too, rejected the growth model of Western capitalism. “The time is urgently upon us to limit our wants.” He attacked the United States without naming it for having resisted the demands of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. He did not mention what these demands were: to reduce industrial carbon dioxide emissions by government edicts in order to reduce global warming.

There are four major problems here. First, there is no clear-cut scientific evidence of global warming. When the temperature changes of the world’s oceans are included in the analysis, there is no evidence of directional change, 1890 to 1990. The evidence that temperatures have increased comes from temperature measurements taken at sites in or near cities, where temperatures have increased. In any case, the increase in carbon dioxide emissions accelerated after World War II, but temperatures have not risen since then. Second, the major sources of carbon dioxide emissions are natural, most notably from termites, which contribute some 14 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year, compared to mankind’s supposed output of five billion tons — in an atmosphere of five quadrillion tons. Mankind’s contribution is less than one millionth of the total atmosphere. Third, there is no evidence that global warming is a bad thing. Plants grow much faster in a high carbon dioxide environment. Fourth, it would be bad economics to invest heavily in anti-global warming technologies today when far cheaper technical solutions are likely to appear long before the supposed problem gets worse. (As for atmospheric ozone, there was no increase or decrease, 1978 to 1991.)

In 1977, Ballantine Books, a popular paperback book company in the U.S., published The Weather Conspiracy: The Coming of the New Ice Age. The book began with this warning: “There is growing consensus among leading climatologists that the world is undergoing a cooling trend” (p. 5). But there was no temperature evidence for this frightening scenario, either.

Like Gorbachev, Solzhenitsyn repeated the oft-quoted statistic that the U.S. is a huge consumer of the world’s resources. Gorbachev used the 40% figure; Solzhenitsyn used 50%. Neither figure is accurate. The U.S. share of world output/consumption has fallen slowly but steadily as other nations have increased their output and hence their consumption of resources. In 1989, the U.S. share of world output was in the range of 26%. This information was available to the authors in 1993.

Solzhenitsyn complained: “When a conference of the alarmed peoples of the earth convenes in the face of unquestioned and imminent threat to the planet’s environment, a mighty power, one consuming not much less than half the earth’s currently available resources and emitting half its pollution, insists, because of its own present-day interests, on lowering the demands of a sensible international agreement, as though it did not itself live on the same earth. Then other leading countries shirk from fulfilling even these reduced demands. Thus, in the economic race, we are poisoning ourselves.” We must therefore “learn to limit firmly our desires and demands, to subordinate our interests to moral criteria,” or else “humankind” will “simply be torn apart, as the worst aspects of human nature bare their teeth.”

He recommended no economic blueprint. Solzhenitsyn has resisted offering an economic blueprint — which he sees as Western and hence unspiritual — throughout his career. But he is opposed to capitalism. He has long opposed industrial growth and the ideal of economic progress. He has cried out against the supposed depletion of economic resources. He warned years ago against imminent Malthusian disaster: “. . . in all cases the population will be overtaken by mass destruction in the first decades of the twenty-first century. . . .” He did predict in 1974 that the creative West would eventually “set about the necessary reconstruction.” But he offered no blueprint for this reconstruction, any more than Gorbachev did two decades later. Both men perceive capitalism as morally bankrupt despite — or perhaps because of — its enormous economic success. They damn it as immoral, but they propose nothing to replace it. This opens the door to the creation of a socialistic New World Order in the name of third world poverty, environmental ethics, and overcoming the population explosion. This means a larger, more powerful State with the international authority to bring sanctions against those nations and individuals who violate the new ethical order. The mild socialist (Solzhenitsyn) and the mild Communist (Gorbachev) are strongly opposed to the free market. In this, they are not alone.

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From Gary North, here.

Corona ‘Science’ = Heavily Biased, Governmental, First-Order Thinking, Scientism

When “Follow the Science” During the Pandemic Meant Not Following the Science

Monday, April 12, 2021

During this pandemic, I can say that a few new pet peeves emerged. At the beginning, it was the phrase “stay home, stay safe.” There was another equally annoying mantra that became popular within the past year: “Follow the science.” Those who were advocating for lockdowns, mask mandates, and other closures and regulations used it to try to establish legitimacy.

“Follow the science” is a feel-good slogan. After all, who wouldn’t want to follow a seemingly objective, straightforward process of determining what is valid and what is not? At the very least, it works to delegitimize those who disagree with your viewpoint because “only an idiot wouldn’t believe in the science.” In practice, “follow the science” actually meant something entirely different from actually having scientific facts rationally inform policy decisions. Let’s take a look at a few major examples to see what I mean by this assertion, shall we?

Lockdowns. This ends up first on my list not only because of the onerous nature of the lockdowns, but also because there was no “following the science.” Prior to this pandemic, there was never a time in human history where we decided to isolate the healthy. That was the case for good reason. In September 2019, Johns Hopkins suggested that quarantine would be the least effective in controlling the spread (Johns Hopkins, p. 57). To make this point even stronger, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a report on non-pharmaceutical interventions in response to epidemics and pandemics. This report was written in October 2019, which was shortly before this pandemic began. Guess what their recommendation was for dealing with those who weren’t sick? Well, here it is:

“Home quarantine of exposed individuals to reduce transmission is not recommended because there is no obvious rationale for this measure, and there would be difficulties in implementing it (p. 16).” 

Putting healthy people in lockdown was not “following the science.” Quite the opposite! The WHO had a game plan in which it said that isolating the healthy was not recommended, and the world ignored it. Instead, we threw ourselves into what I would consider the largest social experiment in human history. There was no cost-benefit analysis done and no evidence base to support it. I expressed my concerns early on (see here and here), ranging from economic costs and non-COVID health costs to social unrest and global instability. We need to wait for the dust to settle because it will take years to find out the effects of what these lockdowns have had on society. Preliminarily, I could cite a study from Stanford University researchers showing that lockdowns were ineffective in slowing down the transmission of COVID (Bendavid et al., 2021). In any case, I’m willing to bet I will write on this topic multiple times in the future. I don’t know how that research will pan out (although I can take an educated guess), but I can safely state right now that the politicians implementing the lockdowns did anything but “follow the science.”

Travel and Immigration Restrictions. For months, multiple countries have either shut their borders completely to international travel or have been restrictive enough to significantly damage their economies. The theory is that because COVID is transmitted through people, anything that reduces the movement of people should help. How useful are such restrictions?

I covered Trump’s ineffective immigration ban executive order back in April 2020, but I want to keep this to travel restrictions generally. In April 2020, the Cato Institute released a policy brief on the topic of travel restrictions. At the beginning of the pandemic, influenza research would have been the most relevant for determining the efficacy of travel bans. As the Cato Institute shows, travel restrictions are only effective if they have not reached another country. At best, they only delay the spread of the disease for a few weeks, especially since stopping travel on a global level is unfeasible and unenforceable. The pre-COVID research showed that travel restrictions are unable to stop the spread of a given pandemic. This also seems to have been the case with COVID-19, as well (e.g., Chinazzi et al., 2020).

As University of Washington public health expert Nicole Errett points out, such targeted initiatives as domestic travel screening, patient monitoring, vaccine development, and general emergency readiness are more effective (and certainly more based in science) than travel bans. Essentially, any country that still has travel bans (which is almost all of them) are not following the science.

Cleaning Surfaces. I have seen countless people scrubbing and cleaning surfaces, whether at such places as the grocery store, the gym, or on an airplane, in the hopes that they won’t contract COVID-19 from touching a surface. According to the CDC’s primer on COVID and surface transmissions, the probability of getting COVID in response to touching a contaminated surface is less than 1 in 10,000. This, of course, assumes that the surface you are touching is indeed contaminated, which is to say that the odds of getting COVID from touching any given surface is even less likely.

Rutgers Professor Emanuel Goldman wrote an article in The Lancet about the exaggeration of fomites being a form of transmission of COVID. Professor Linsey Marr, who is an airborne viruses expert at Virginia Tech University, went as far as saying that “there’s really no evidence that anyone has ever gotten COVID-19 by touching a contaminated surface.”

Cleaning surfaces has its place, but it has been taken to an extreme, especially since COVID-19 transmission through surfaces is so rare. If I had to guess why so many people like doing in spite of the evidence showing its lack of effectiveness, it’s probably to appear socially conscientious or some other sense of self-gratification. I’m sure Lysol is happy to make money off of this irrational obsession, but it does add a cost for businesses, one that is unnecessary for stopping transmission of COVID. I wouldn’t be surprised if people in the future look at the obsession with cleaning surfaces the way we look at people back in the Middle Ages that tried to cure everything with leeches.

Social Distancing: How Much? This is one of the key questions in terms of preventing the transmission of a respiratory disease. For months, those in the United States have been told to keep six feet away, as if it were some proven or consistent rule.

Last month, the CDC had a press release outlining changes in operational procedure for primary and secondary schools. It changed its social distancing policy for schools from 6 feet to 3 feet because the CDC did not find any additional risk involved. You could argue that this could only apply to children, but it does bring some doubt as to the efficacy of more stringent social distancing rules.

Additionally, since the beginning of the pandemic, the WHO’s recommendation has been to keep 3 feet (1 meter) away from everyone, not 6 feet. If you want some nuance for the social distancing debate, look at the chart below from Massachussets Institute of Technology [MIT] researchers (Jones et al., 2020). In any case, what I can say is that there is no consistent and “determined rule” as to what is safe. Even asking the question of “what is safe” comes with some arbitrariness. If we all stayed isolated from one another, that would be safest. How much safer is six feet versus nine feet versus twenty feet? What is the marginal benefit from a few extra feet? With this much nuance, what does it really mean to “follow the science?”

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From Libertarian Jew, here.

ארה”ב ‘הידידה הגדולה’ שלנו?! – עם כאלו ידידים מי צריך אויבים

על פולארד, ארה”ב וישראל

יום שני, 23 בנובמבר 2020

 על פולארד, יהודים ויחסי ישראל-ארה”ב (בהמשך לדבריו של פרופ’ נדב שנרב וכמה ממגיביו):

חבוש בכובעם של פרופ’ עזרה זהר מספרו- “פילגש במזרח התיכון” וד”ר אורי מילשטיין
סדר בדברים צריך שיעשה (כמובן לזכור שממשל טראמפ הוא במידה רבה יוצא מהכלל שלא מעיד על הכלל)-
א. קריאות “בוגד” מצד שמאל לפולארד הם חרפה פעמיים- 1. מי שיש לו חמאה על הראש שלא יסתובב בחוץ בשמש- פרשיות הבגידה והריגול משמאל הם לחם חוקו, ד”ש מברית המועצות, וכל גלגול אדום שעולה על דעתכם מני שנת 1917, 2. פולארד לא בגד- I. החומר שהועבר הועבר לבן ברית לארה”ב שאת רובו התחייב ממילא לספק ומי שבגד הייתה ארה”ב והממסד המודיעיני שלה, אותו ממסד שנתפס בקלקלתו האנטישמית (לא התבלבלתי, יש לסיפור הזה חתיכת הסטוריה שמתחילה עוד בטרם נולד סבו של פולארד) ולא העביר חומר קריטי שהתחייב למוסרו מראש, II. שום חלק מהחומר שנמסר לא פגע כהוא זה בארה”ב בשום דרך, צורה ואופן (וזאת אף בניגוד מוחלט להבלים שניסו להערים על כתפיו בדמות שקרים בוטים שלא היו ולא נבראו ו/או נזקים שנגרמו בידי אחרים שבגדו בארה”ב באמת ובתמים ובראשם הסוכן הבוגד האמריקני- אלדריך איימס).
ב. בשל הנטיה לשמאל מגיעה גם הצביעות. סרך זה נגרר היטב על פני הקרקע ולעיני השמש, זאת בשל השנאה ההסטורית לארה”ב וכל מה שהיא מייצגת, על כלל ההסטוריה שלה. אז במחילה מכל אלו שדואגים לארה”ב מפני בוגדיה, נא לסיים לקשקש בקומקום.
ג. גם לסוכן מגוייס (בשונה מסוכן חיצוני מושתל) על רקע אידאולוגי/הזדהותי מגיע תגמול בהנתן רמת הסיכון לו הוא נחשף, העין הצרה משמאל (כרגיל) עבורם אתנן כספי הוא כשר בהנתן מקורו האדום בלבד לא מעלה ולא מורידה.
ד. וזאת בהמשך לטיעון שהעלו כמה באיוולתם- הפעלת מעקב, ביון, חשדות בנאמנות כפולה (ואף יותר) והאשמות קשות על היות גיס חמישי וגורם אירידנטי כלפי יהודים צפו ועלו נגד יהודים בארה”ב עוד מימי פקודת הגירוש של הגנרל יוליסס גרנט בעקבות מלחמת האזרחים האמריקנית. הניסיון לצבוע את סיפור פולארד כעניין ששינה סדרי בראשית ביחס לקהילה היהודית בארה”ב היא הבל הבלים. מקורות מתוך קהיליית המודיעין האמריקנית בעבר אף הודו שיהודים זכו למירב המעקב, ההטרדה, החשדות וההאשמות בקרב סוכנויות הבטחון בארה”ב מעל ומעבר לכל מיעוט דתי ואתני אחר בארה”ב ללא שום פרופורציה והשינוי לטובה שהתרחש בנדון לא קרה בשל פולארד או מדינת ישראל אלא בשל תום המלחמה הקרה והתמוטטות ברית המועצות (שהתרחש לאחר הפעלת פולארד) ועוד יותר לאחר פיגועי ה-11/9/2001 שלאחריהם הפוקוס עבר לקהילה האסלאמית בארה”ב.
ה. היו אף מקרים (מאוסטרליה ועד מדינות אירופה של נאט”ו-בעלי ברית) של מדינות שנתפסו מרגלות בארה”ב ואף אחד מאנשיהם (בין אם גויסו מקומית מקרב יוצאי מדינתם בארה”ב ובין אם הושתלו מרחוק) לא חטפו עונשים כה מרחיקי לכת כמו פולארד (ובל נשכח שחלקם גם קיבל סיוע רב הרבה יותר מישראל פרופורציונלית, ד”ש לנאט”ו ולמדינות אשר מול סין, מטרמאפ), לא בכדי היה זה ראש ה-CIA לשעבר- ג’יימס וולסי שברגע של יושר והגינות גדולה מצידו אמר על פולארד לפני ששחרורו עמד על הפרק- “תדמיינו שהוא יווני ותשחררו אותו”.
ו. בנוגע ליחסי ישראל ארה”ב ההשוואה ליחסי אב ובנו היא עלבון לאינטלגנציה, יחסי אומות ולהסטוריה.
סוד גדול הוא שבסחר הדו-צדדי בין ישראל לארה”ב, ישראל נכון להיום מייצאת יותר לארה”ב מאשר היא מייבאת מארה”ב.
מזה יותר מעשרים שנה אין שום סיוע כלכלי-אזרחי אמריקני לישראל (ומה שניתן לא היה סיוע כי אם הלוואה בריבית מקובלת כולל מאז זמן מלחמת יום כיפור שישראל ממשיכה לשלם על כך עשרות מיליארדים עד היום מדי שנה, בדיוק כשם שבנק לא מלווה לאדם כסף ברוב “טובו” וחסדו), והסיוע הצבאי בסך 3.2 מיליארד בשנה (עם תוספות ממוקדות למערכות נגד נשק בליסטי-ABM), רובו מורכב בכלל מהלוואה בריבית קצוצה (שישראל עודנה משלמת את חובותיה משנות ה-70′ לארה”ב בעוד ארה”ב מחקה פעם אחת כבר את חובותיה של מצרים לארה”ב באופן מוחלט בזמן מלחמת המפרץ הראשונה, ונשיא ארה”ב אובמה פעל למחוק עוד חוב בסך מיליארד דולר למצרים, עוד סוד גלוי הוא שישראל באופן תמידי עומדת כמו שעון שווייצרי בהחזר מלא של כל חובותיה הכספיים עם ריבית מלאה, עד היום לא נמחק ולו סנט בודד מחובותיה של ישראל לארה”ב (ולא זו בלבד אלא שרק הסכום על הריבית שישראל משלמת מדי שנה חזרה לארה”ב עולה על כלל הסיוע הבטחוני שלהם ויותר מפי 2) בעוד מאידך ארה”ב לא שלמה סנט בודד בעבור השירות שהיא מקבלת מישראל פה- בין אם זה לכל אורך המלחמה הקרה במתן קונטרה לאיום הצי הסובייטי במזרח התיכון, שכן כידוע, ההערכות המקצועיות האמריקניות בתחילת שנות ה-70, גרסו שבמקרה ויהיה אקשן חם עם הסובייטים במזרח התיכון, ישראל מסוגלת בעזרת חיל האוויר שלה להשמיד את הצי הסובייטי בים התיכון באופן מוחלט, ארה”ב לא שלמה בעד מערכות נשק ותמיכה סובייטיות שנפלו לידיים ישראליות במהלך המלחמות ובניהם ושארה”ב קיבלה גישה מלאה אליהם לצורכי למידה ושיפור של מערכות הנשק שלהם בעלות של עשרות מיליארדי דולרים, ארה”ב לא שלמה סנט שחוק בעבור הבסיסים הקבועים ומחסני נשק חירום שהיא מחזיקה דרך קבע בישראל, ארה”ב לא שלמה ולו סנט בודד בעבור שימוש במתקנים ישראליים לקראת יציאה למבצעים מקיפים ונקודתיים ברחבי המזה”ת, ארה”ב לא שלמה ולו סנט בודד בעבור העובדה שישראל דאגה לשמר בחיים משטרים ידידותיים לארה”ב- כמו ירדן ותימן, ארה”ב לא שלמה ולו סנט בודד תמורת העובדה שהם נצלו את ישראל בתור מעבדה חיה לניסויים במערכות הנשק שלה בתנאי שדה אופטימליים, ארה”ב לא שלמה ולו סנט בודד בעבור עצם קיום צה”ל שייתר ועודנו מייתר כמות מאסיבים של כוחות ולוגיסטיקה אמריקנית בכל הגזרה בעלויות בלתי נתפסות ולא בכדי כבר היה אדמירל אמריקני שכינה את ישראל בתור הנושאת המטוסים האמריקנית היחידה שלא ניתן להטביעה) בעוד רק כ-700 מליון דולר היו בגדר יו.אס. אייד (בטחוני) ורובו המוחץ של הסכום בן 3.2 מיליארד הדולרים הם בגדר הלוואה מותנית- דהיינו ישראל יכולה לעשות שימוש בכסף אך ורק בקרב תעשיות בטחוניות אמריקניות וזה מכניס את הכסף חזרה ב-לופ אל השוק האמריקני ומספק עשרות אלפי מקומות עבודה לאמריקנים משכילים המהווים את העידית של כח האדם האיכותי של ארה”ב בשוק הנשק שלה שהוא הגדול בעולם הן ברוב יחסי והן ברוב מוחלט.
אני מזכיר גם שבמסגרת ההסכם שנחתם בשלהי תקופת אובמה, סכום הכסף בסיוע בטחוני שיכול יהיה להפדות בתוך התעשייה הבטחונית בישראל ילך ויצטמצם עד שיבוטל לגמרי לקראת 5 שנים מחתימת ההסכם.
לגבי נשק ואמצעים טכנולוגיים, לא היה שום מרכיב שכזה מהשורה הראשונה של הטכנולוגיה האמריקנית אלא בעיקר עודפים וחומרים מדרג ג’ והלאה, השינוי החל רק בשנות ה-80 אצל ממשל רייגן, לאחר שישראל הוגדרה Non Nato Major Ally, אוסיף גם על הדרך שכל כספי היתרות שמופנים למערכות ABM הם נגזרת של החלטת ארה”ב לפתח אצלה ודרך בעלי בריתה את פרוייקט- “מלחמת הכוכבים”, כך שהרווח על כל הנושא הוא כולו אצל הפסים ו-“כוכבים”.
ארה”ב מנגד חוסמת, מסכנת ומסכלת מכירת מערכות ואמצעים “כחול-לבן” למדינות אחרות וכך פוגעת בצורה קשה ביותר בישראל, הרבה מעבר שהיא מקבלת ממנה, רק להזכיר עסקאות נשק עם סין שארה”ב טרפדה (ואף נצלה כדי למכור לסין במקביל, עיין ערך עסקת ה”פאלקון” המפורסמת בעידן ראשותו של אהוד ברק), בעידן אובמה פעל ג’ון קרי לפגוע בעסקת נשק חשובה בישראל בדמות מערכות טילי נ”ט עם מדינה חשובה כמו הודו.
לגבי פגיעה בישראל מצד ארה”ב- נזכיר-
1. ארה”ב שחזרה בה מהכרה בישראל וקדמה את תוכנית ברנדוט לכונן כאן שלטון נציבות או”ם.
2. ארה”ב שלא מכירה בישראל כמדינה יהודית דה יורה, עיין מסמך הצו הנשיאותי של הארי טרומן בה נמחקו בקו ידו המילים “jewish state” ובמקומם נכתב מדינה חדשה בעלמא.
3. ארה”ב פעלה דה פאקטו נגד זהותה היהודית של המדינה ועוד עניינים רבים הקשורים לזהותה, עוצמתה, לכידותה ובטחונה- טקטית ואסטרטגית, ונזכיר כאן שני עניינים- * גניזת דו”ח ראש המטות המשולבים גנרל 4 כוכבים ארל וילר המתאר מהם גבולות המינימום האסטרטגיים שעל ישראל להחזיק בהם בכל תנאי! גם אם שלום פרץ בארץ על כל חלקיה וגבולותיה, שטחים הכוללים חלקים בחצי האי סיני דהיום, חבל קונייטרה בסוריה, יו”ש ורצועת עזה כולה.
וכן- ** פעולה מתחת לראדאר בדמות קידום כספי של מטרות “החברה האזרחית” דרך השטחים המגוונים שמקדמת הקרן החדשה לישראל, חלק ניכר מכספיה הגיע דרך השגרירות האמריקנית בישראל ובשילוב קרן הנרי פורד (כן כן, אותו פורד חברו של היטלר, מפיצם של הפרוטוקולים של זקני ציון בעולם ועיתון הפיגולים ה-דירבורן אינדפנדנט), שהוא מאז שנות ה-50, קרן קש של ה-CIA, את המידע הזה חשף דו”ח “ועדת ריס” של ועדת חקירה של הסנאט.
מה שמראה שפגיעה בישראל הייתה עבור ארה”ב בעלת ערך צבאי! אגב קידום אינטרסים אמריקנים.
4. ארה”ב היא זו שזרקה את ישראל לאשפתות אגב שבירת התחייבות מפורשת וכתובה להתערבות בעת חסימת מצרי טיראן לפני מלחמת ששת הימים.
5. תקרית ה-USS ליברטי ביום השלישי של מלחמת הימים, שהיה פעולה מכוונת להטות את הכף לטובת הערבים במלחמת ששת הימים! או לפחות לפגוע משמעותית בהשגיה של ישראל במלחמה וצה”ל שיתק אותה במכוון.
6. מלחמת יום כיפור היה תרגיל עוקץ אמריקני נבזי שהנרי קיסנג’ר היה מעורב בהתווייתו יחד עם אנואר אסאדאת ועוזרו חפאט’ אסמעאיל, ארה”ב גם ידעה את היום והשעה המדוייקים של תחילת המתקפה חודש ימים לפני כן ולא טרחה לעדכן את ישראל.
7. ארה”ב מנעה מישראל לפגוע בקידום מערך הנ”מ של מצרים לעבר הגדה המערבית של תעלת סואץ ובכך אפשרה את המטריה האווירית שאפשרה את פתיחת מלחמת יום כיפור.
8. קיסינג’ר השהה את הסיוע של ארה”ב לישראל במהלך מלחמת יום כיפור (בה בשעה שברית המועצות העבירה למצרים וסוריה אוטוסטרדות של סיוע כדי למלא את החסר) בכדי ליצור את הרקע להעברת מצרים לידי ארה”ב (מטרת המלחמה מעיקרא) ולגרום לישראל לסגת מסיני בשל כך.
9. רצח אל”מ ג’ו אלון כדי שלא יפוצץ את הבלוף אודות מלחמת יום כיפור.
10. פרשת איראן גייט, רצח עמירם ניר (בעלה הראשון של ג’ודי ניר מוזס שלום), וגרימת העברת נשק אמריקני וישראלי לאיראן של ח’מייני.
11. חימוש במקביל ביחס של 1:6 למדינות ערב שבעצם מספרית די קובר את השקר האמריקני אודות מתן עודף לישראל, די לאזכר את- סעודיה, ירדן, מצרים, עראק (כולל זה של צדאם חסיין מאז שנות ה-80), מדינות המפרץ, לוב שלאחר קד’אפי, וכל החבר’ה הטובים בסוריה שעושים שם שמח מהצד הסוני, לבנון וכו’.
12. ארה”ב היא זו שגדלה, ממנה, חמשה ואמנה את אלקעידא, חלק ניכר מחלום הבלהות של הבריגדה הבינ”ל של האסלאם בעולם מאז אפגניסטאן 1979, לא היה בא לעולם בלי ה-US of A.

Don’t Plan on Retiring!

Your Portfolio Is a Sack of Lies

Years ago, I bought a domain name:

I did this because I have long been aware of a crisis that will face tens of millions of Americans. They will not be able to afford to retire.

Every Western government has lied to its citizens, All have promised to provide an old age safety net. These promises will soon be broken.

Americans have long accepted these promises at face value. They have not applied a discount for the high risk of a government default on its IOUs. They have also not applied a discount for price inflation to compensate them for a politically inevitable policy.

Yet they are becoming vaguely aware that the government will in some way wiggle out of its obligations. Anyway, they say they think this. But they take no practical steps to hedge their portfolio of lies.

This is why I conclude that there is enormous self-deception in all adult age groups in the United States regarding the prospects of retirement. This self-deception is so comprehensive and so widespread that I have doubts about people’s ability to make assessments and then make decisions that are consistent with their assessments.

The financial media are beginning to publish articles about how millions of Americans will not be able to afford to retire. Americans have not saved enough money, we are told. This is accurate.

These articles are coming about 45 years too late. It was clear to anyone with an understanding of basic economics back in 1965 that Medicare would bankrupt the United States government at some point. A few critics said so at the time, but they were not taken seriously. The program’s expenses have grown relentlessly. They are going to undermine the solvency of the government. This means that there will be a default at some point. This default will also undermine Social Security.

The writers also report that more Americans than ever before are saying that they will not be able to retire. But the actual rate of retirement indicates that they do not really believe this.


The people being interviewed are telling the reporters one story, but their actions tell a different story. They say that they will not be able to afford to retire, yet the overwhelming majority of people who are eligible to start collecting full Social Security payments at age 66 do retire. This percentage has been increasing over the last decade, but not fast enough. A Congressional Research Service report dated September 2009 summarizes the development. Only a third of men eligible for full Social Security benefits around age 66 are still in the labor force.

In March 2009, 52% of men aged 62 to 64 were employed, compared with 42% in 1990 and 47% in 2000. Of men aged 65 to 69, 33% were employed in March 2009, compared with 26% in 1990 and 30% in 2000. Among women 62 to 64 years old, 41% were working in March 2009, compared with 28% in 1990 and 35% in 2000. Among women 65 to 69 years old, 25% were working in March 2009, compared with 17% in 1990 and 20% in 2000.

What the data reveal is that two-thirds of American men who reach the age of full Social Security payments quit working. Three-quarters of women make this decision.

If Americans were really concerned about their inability to pay for their retirement years, they would not retire. They would stay on the job. By law, they cannot be fired merely for being older. Companies are afraid to fire anyone who reaches retirement age who asks to stay on the job.

My conclusion: there is a deep-seated schizophrenia in America’s older population.

This schizophrenia extends to the younger members of society. For over a decade, pollsters have asked voters if they believe that Social Security will be still be operational when they reach retirement. Over half of all people surveyed say they do not think it will be. Younger workers are even more emphatic that it will not be there.

Yet there are no signs that this age group is saving enough money to provide retirement. They say that the government will not be there with a safety-net program, but they refuse to build a safety net of their own.

Something is fundamentally wrong with the public’s ability to assess economic cause and effect. If we believe their actions, they discount the bad statistical news and take at face value the government’s lies.


The Wall Street Journal published an article on August 21 that dealt with retirement prospects.

The article began with the story of a woman who got trapped by events. Her mother became ill in the 1990s. She needed long-term medical care. This is not cheap. So, the daughter stopped making contributions to her retirement account. Then the “ups and downs” of the stock market dealt her retirement account another blow, the author writes. She calls them ups and downs. This is misleading. The stock market is lower today than in March 2000, and consumer prices are 30% higher.

Today, the 67-year-old woman went back to work part-time as a data-entry clerk. She hopes to retire by age 70.

It’s a sad story. But something is left out: numbers. Exactly how much money did the woman have to pay each month for her mother’s care? For how long? How much had she been contributing to her retirement account before her mother got sick? In other words, is there evidence that she, in fact, would have been able to afford to retire, had her mother not gotten sick? We are not told. We only know that this is her explanation of what happened.

As for the stock market, the financial media did not warn people in the spring of 2000 that a decade-long decline was coming. They did not tell readers to sell stocks. Since then, they have repeatedly said that the best way to achieve a secure retirement is to save more money. They have also said that the best place for this money is the U.S. stock market. They have been wrong for over 11 years.

The woman says she will have a hard time retiring if she cannot sell her home. This indicates that she had regarded her home as her capital for retirement. She is not alone. She knows this. “Like most older people, my money is in my home. … I’m caught between a rock and a hard place.”

But why is she caught? Because she believed the U.S. government and the mainstream media. We now live in the aftermath of Alan Greenspan’s anti-recession policies, beginning days after he took over as chairman in October 1987. The stock market fell 22% in one day. The Federal Reserve responded within 24 hours by flooding the markets with fiat money.

Greenspan always inflated his way out of short-term downturns. This created the housing bubble that he denied even existed. He got away with this because the mainstream media applauded.

The financial media did not warn readers in 2005 and 2006 that residential real estate was a bubble, and that home owners should not put any hope in their homes’ equity as a retirement savings plan. I warned my readers.

So did a lot of other Austrian School analysts.

But we were ignored. Among the few financial media talking heads who did not ignore us, we were dismissed as naysayers, doomsters, and people without vision. Those who ignored us are now living in less expensive homes. Millions of them owe more on their mortgages that their homes are worth.

The bubble-blowers of course mention none of this. They insist that no one could have foreseen the popping of the housing bubble. Their victims are in despair, for good reason.

Another of the lady’s complaints is on target. “Everything is more expensive. I cannot retire, I wish I could.” But this price inflation began in the mid-1960s, when she was a young woman. It did not slow until about two years ago. How is it that she did not see this coming? For the same reason that the financial media did not see it coming. They did not understand Austrian School economics.

Ludwig von Mises warned about secular price inflation from 1912 until his death in 1973. His disciples followed his lead. He took a stand against the entire academic community and the entire financial journalism guild. He was right. They were wrong.

A generation ago, he was asked if he had an inflation hedge. “Yes,” he said. “Age.”

The lady in the article did not see this coming. Neither did the mainstream media, the world of academic economists, and politicians. It is a sad tale, but it was predictable. We Austrians predicted it . . . and were told that we did not understand economics.

The article continues: “Many older people are finding themselves in a position they never expected to be in at retirement age: still working or in need of a job.” This is true. But whose fault is it? The voters. Their parents voted for politicians who voted for the welfare state. They imitated their parents. Now the bills are coming due, as they do in every ponzi scheme. Yet the victims seem surprised. This is a self-inflicted wound.

The article covers recent developments: the fall in stock market prices over the last 30 days, the decline of interest rates since 2008, and falling housing prices. All of this is true, and it is going to get much worse.

Then she cites a statistic. Three-fifths of workers surveyed by a nonprofit organization devoted to retirement studies said that they plan on working past age 65. Of these people, 47% said this is because they have no financial option. They will need health care benefits and income.

If people really took seriously this threat to their futures, they would be saving at 10% per annum, minimum. The older ones would be saving at 20%. They aren’t saving at 6%. They show no sign of panic regarding old age. They may sing songs of woe to reporters. They may tell pollsters that they see what is coming. There is not much evidence that they are taking statistically relevant steps to avoid the grim future which they say they envision.


Whenever we read these stories on the plight of the retirees, the author adds the obligatory warning about failing to act now and save more. This article is no exception.

But in this tight labor market, working into your golden years isn’t easy. And you’ll have to make your age and years on the job come across as assets, not liabilities. In addition, with the current market upheaval, you’ll need a financial plan that puts your savings on the fast track and takes into account how Social Security and Medicare benefits could be affected.

But the author does go beyond this ritual response about saving more money. She admits the truth: the best plan is to plan not to retire.

For many older workers, the easiest option may be to continue with their current employer. But that will entail making themselves essential.

Workers should take on new projects when possible. And it’s crucial to stay on top of the latest technology being used; you don’t want to be perceived as the old guy who doesn’t know what’s going on.

This is very good advice. The fact is this: there is no way that most Americans will be able to save enough money to accumulate enough capital to sustain them in their old age, from age 66 to 80 for men and 84 for women. They will not have sufficient capital. This assumes that there will be no mass inflation. That is a low-probability assumption.

Older employees also can put their experience to use — and on display — by volunteering to mentor younger workers either formally or informally.

This is also very good advice. The older worker who can get younger workers up to speed rapidly is a real asset to any company.

If you are working on commission, you are in good shape if you can keep selling. The article interviewed a shoe salesman who is still on the job at age 70. He stated emphatically: “I have to produce or the company wouldn’t let me work out here.” He’s wrong. The company would let him work, but he would eventually starve. The company would not risk a lawsuit over age discrimination. It would let the pressure of falling commission income push him into retirement.


The governments of all Western nations have promised workers that they will be taken care of by the state in their old age. That promise cannot be fulfilled. Statistically, it is impossible to fulfill. This is why families should be making plans to resume the responsibility of caring for the aged members, as societies have done throughout history.

For as long as you are still in the labor force, you have a chance of being able to afford to care for aged parents. If you are trying to avoid becoming the aged parent who needs care, think through your present employment situation.

If you are in a job where you think the physical requirements will be too much for you, try to get transferred now. Don’t wait for your boss to come to you to suggest this. You had better gain skills in the new position. This takes years.

Some firms offer phased-retirement programs: reduced hours worked. I recommend this strategy, with this proviso: you have a side business to retire into. You plan ahead. You devote more hours to it each week as you get older. You get it profitable, and then you phase out of your present salaried position.

Employers like this option. It allows them to get rid of dying wood without facing a lawsuit. They don’t want oldsters on the payroll. They want younger people who have more years of service ahead of them. Another major incentive for hiring youngsters is this: they will be less likely to negotiate from expectations of high income. They have been battered by Bernanke’s economy. They are happy just to get a job.


You are sitting on a portfolio of government lies. I don’t know if you really understand that there is going to be a great default by the government. By “really understand,” I mean this: you are taking steps not to retire.

If you are still planning to retire, you had better have a lot of money, and this money had better not be invested in markets that are going to collapse when the government’s promises are finally exposed as lies.

August 25, 2011

From LRC, here.