The Israeli Regime: Building Hospitals Instead of Fixing Broken Bridges…

Think: Foxconn’s suicide safety nets (though not sure that example is actually a good one).

A very partial list of the regime handling only symptoms, and in a short-sighted fashion to boot:

  • Concrete and metal barriers around bus stops in Israel to prevent ramming attacks.
  • So-called paying them off and שקט ייענה בשקט.
  • Playing “Whac-A-Mole” with Iran, the Arabs, and other Jew-haters.
  • Fighting Jewish “extremists”.
  • So-called appeasement.
  • The Iron Dome “defense” system (Feiglin is priceless on this).
  • Need I go on?

Feel free to send in additional examples (unless you’re Moshe Feiglin! His full list of examples would crash the server).

UPDATE: More examples…