Moshe Feiglin Is an Interventionist War-Monger

Moshe Feiglin keeps counseling attacking the Syrian kingdom, based on so-called war crimes (chemical warfare). He calls non-interventionism “Badlanut” (Isolationism) when it is in fact “E-Hit’arvut” (he didn’t invent this lie).

First of all, how would he like it if our enemies did the same? The state of Israel has also used phosphorous missiles in war, along with its many exaggerated efforts to escape condemnation.

Second, how does he know it was even Assad. There is still ZERO evidence it was him, and the rebels have plenty of motive to set him up.

Third, instead of endangering soldiers’ lives, he suggests sending a few cruise missiles. But what if it doesn’t end there?! What’s humanitarian about that? Who’s “We, we, we”, anyway? How about decriminalizing all citizen’s actions (including joining ISIS), and not endangering the lives of tax and military slaves? In other words, why doesn’t Feiglin buy his own missiles and launch them anywhere he likes, without putting Jewish lives and property at risk?

Fourth, I don’t recall Jewish kings ever starting a war for so-called humanitarian reasons.

He is correct about the diagnosis of the problem. If the state’s leaders weren’t afraid of their own shadow, they would surely be entangling us in horrendous wars for “humanitarian” reasons, just like the US regime. But in this case, that’s a very good thing!

Enough said.