I Think You Just Want a Warm Hug!

The story is told of Rabbi Aaron Paperman, a US Army chaplain visiting a DP Camp after the Holocaust. (Unverified and going off memory.)

There was a long row of emaciated children who barely survived the death camps standing in a soup line (with little soup). Rabbi Paperman wanted to help somehow, so he went to the last child on the line and offered to hug them. He figured the last kid wouldn’t lose his place anyhow. But when the others saw this, they abandoned the soup line en masse and created a new line, asking him for hugs, instead.

What these young, lonely souls missed more than food was a loving hug…

(Excuse me, I need to go wash my face.)

And now, to divert the narrative.

I have readers who subscribed to our free daily newsletter a long time ago, and then never interacted with the sender.

And then they suddenly unsubscribe, choosing the reason for unsubscribing as the newsletter being “Offensive, strongly disagree or disapprove“. And still… no email. I ask, individually, and no answer.

I aim to offend those who deserve it whenever possible, of course, but do you mind telling me what exactly offended you (so I know what works)?

I think they (subconsciously) just want a big hug!