re: On Wearing a Kippah or Yarmulke

A recent article wondered:

Since the point is to show observance, but each type of Kippah actually demonstrates the specific types of sins one terms holy, how does it even help to wear one?

One reader thought the point of the above piece is one need not cover one’s head. Another reader pointed out there are other, more straightforward, justifications for covering one’s head (Rambam, Gra), and that it is an act of piety, anyway.

Give me a little credit here! Yes, there is more to it than that, and no, I’m not writing against skullcaps.

Among observant Jews, it is common to hear this specific reason, so I latched on to it, to make two points.

  1. We all need to do Teshuvah, including for group-sins.
  2. “Those living in glass houses”, etc. So, don’t be so proud of your in-group dress style.