The JEWISH Lesson from the Cessation of Government Transportation on Weekends

So, public transportation will now no longer operate on weekends, stopping Thursday eve and beginning again on Sunday morning (read details here).

Forget the nonobservant public transportation on Shabbos.

If we are to learn anything about ultimate causes, Mussar (in the original sense) must always be about us, not them. Let us rethink the actions of nominally observant Jews who travel so close to Shabbos, both before and after, directly causing the non-observant Jewish drivers to desecrate Shabbos, or at least, not accept it properly.

If anything, religious Jews should have long ago campaigned to decriminalize private transportation altogether (and correspondingly cease government-subsidized transport), so this governmental Chillul Shabbos is our fault, too.

On our puny imputations of Divine Providence, read this.

(Thanks to a dear reader who helped in preparing this article!)