The ‘Internal Contradictions of Capital Accumulation’ on

There is a paradox, so to speak.

On the one hand, encourages independent scholarship. We have written here of the problems with modern works, and not-so-modern works, advocating an originalist, back-to-the-sources approach, stressing primary sources read and re-read carefully.

And yet, Hyehudi’s authors are continually “bombarding” the readers with diverse hyperlinks, long online documents, and resources that would take several lifetimes to consume.

Here are my defenses:

  • Not every article, reference, or book, is meant for each reader!
  • We present alternatives to competing materials for already-voracious readers.
  • Some of us have more of an excuse for reading widely, and some can “skim” faster than others (de nobis ipsis silemus).
  • This is the only way for me to publish at all, as explained here.