Coronavirus Madness Getting You Down? ‘Be the Change’!

Email received from a friend:

Chizuk Please

Hey, whoever you are,
I’m not falling apart, so don’t freak out. But I do feel that the outer layers of the Jewish people are being burned off and getting exposed for what they are, for what I always knew they were, and have until now felt uncomfortable for being disgusted by them. On the one hand, it’s vindicating. But it’s still, I admit, much more painful and just so sad, than any vindication could satisfy.
This hurts, even though I knew I was right this whole time.
Now as more and more “Rabbis” support segregation against the “unvaxxed” they are all taking off the masks they’ve been wearing this whole time and revealing I was right about them all. But I still want to cry.
Who the hell is even out there who is standing up for what’s right? Is there ANYONE? Who is going to be left after all this disgustingness? This is pure, concentrated, totally insane sinas chinam. It’s like we’re being purged. In a good and bad way. I can’t make out what’s happening. It’s horrible and beautiful all at the same time and I’m spinning in circles.
I feel like I’m in a centrifuge and I just have to hold on as tight as I can.
Just hold on.

My dear ______, you wrote: “whoever you are”.

Are there any rebeim you know of that are still sane? Chananya Weissman is on our side but any poskim out there who understand what is going on here?

Don’t think of others; be constructive. All Jews must become independent Torah scholars, if possible. And don’t jump to conclusions, either.

Start here.
By the way, see what I posted the other day: 

My Response to Two Corona-Vaccine ‘Halachic Rulings’

The end.
P. S., Even if one’s opinion is one way, that doesn’t necessarily mean a halachic decisor shouldn’t be diplomatic, so Jews aren’t seen as pathogens, “Mishum Eivah”, especially in Chutz La’aretz.

הכל לפי הענין, היינו לפי מה שמשער כעסן ופחזותן. ודע דהיום כשבאו מהאומות שחוץ לגבולינו לשלול שלל ולבוז בז בודאי מחויבים אנו לצאת בכלי זיין אפילו על עסקי ממון וכדינא דמלכותא וכן מבואר ברוקח ואגודה דהיכא דאיכא חשש שמא יכעסו יושבי הארץ עלינו מחללין עי”ש.