re: Where is Maimonides mentioned in Tosafos?

In our latest article, we mentioned this story about the Chasam Sofer’s dynasty:

A common saying goes as follows: Three continuous generations of the Sofer rabbinic dynasty; the Chasam Sofer (R’ Moshe), the Kesav Sofer (R’ Avraham Shmuel Binyamin) and the Shevet Sofer (R’ Simcha Bunim), all served as Rabbi of Pressburg for 33 years until their demise. I assume this entails following the Jewish calendar because the secular dates are: Chasam Sofer 1806 to passing 1839; Kesav Sofer 1839 to passing 1871; Shevet Sofer 1872 to passing 1906.

In this week’s “Ner Leshulchan Shabat” (Ki Tavo), he quotes the introduction of Shut “Shem Meshimon” as noting Rabbi Mose Bunem Krauss, rabbi of Baden in Switzerland, was the great-grandson of the Chasam Sofer (on his mother’s side). Known for his great diligence and asceticism, he served in the rabbanus for 33 years, as well…

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