FALSE DICHOTOMY: Authoritarian Functionalism vs. Authoritarian Intentionalism

Politicians and wonks do not have their “hearts in the right place”!

Clark’s Law: “Sufficiently advanced incompetence is functionally indistinguishable from malice.”

(I can’t find the true source.)
How many “inadvertent” creations of terrorist groups, “mistaken” wars”, faulty assumptions, “failed socialism”, the cycle of crime, etc. etc. do we need to see the truth of things? “Pesik reisha velo yamus?!
Actually, the arbitrary assumption of the mantle to decide matters for other, independent adults is itself to actively seek out harm, whether because of explicit malice or implicit criminal disregard for results. (Understand this better via this short video presentation.)
Psychologist Dr. Alfred Adler said it is often easier to determine man’s inner state of mind by observing the ex-post result of his choices, assuming the results were, in fact, intentional, and working back from there. [source needed]

“One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.”

(Milton Friedman)
But authoritarians aren’t charitably minded loons, rather, their intentions, too are awful! Does anyone think even politicians are too foolish to understand simple, Friedmanite logic?
I said something similar in the past here:

Modern “gun control” indeed thins the herd by enabling private murderers. This “disproportionately” harms the poor, who cannot afford armed guards, and are often government wealth-redistribution net “beneficiaries”. This helps lower socialism’s immense costs, same as abortion, euthanasia, eugenics, family planning, etc.

This is too painful to elaborate much.