Editorial: The Only RIGHT Thing To Say to Arabs

Since Jews are prevented in this country from any form of self-defense or proactive self-defense toward the enemy, I already stated my view we should be cordial to them in civilian life. Read that here.

Now I saw two different observant Jews giving Mohamedan “Mabrouk” in Arabic to those who (probably) mark Ramadan. How very cosmopolitan and wide-hearted of them, especially here and now! I would refer these Galus “Charedim” to Rema Shulchan Aruch Y.D. (end of) Siman 148, but all I see is red.

If anything can create even a semblance of temporary peace (or make captors less bloodthirsty), it’s not anti-Torah flattery, but the opposite, mentioning the Jewish God to them. Remind them we aren’t Godless foreigners, crusaders, Europeans, usurpers!

Say: Todah La’el, Baruch Hashem, Yishtabach Shemo, et alii.

I welcome your thoughts.