‘But If They Can’t Form a New Government, Charedim Won’t Have CHANUKAH CAMPS!’

Recently, I shared my passionate prayers the second Israeli coalition building-attempt would fail like the first. Non-government Greed is good, but political gridlock is better. I even came up with a new tongue twister: “Interminable Interregnum“!

But we are robbed a billion shekels or so for paying off all employers for a lost day’s productivity (!) and other expenses, such as old-fashioned ballots? Is that what you want?

This is a cheap payoff!

True, we still suffer the current budget allocations. But do we really want them voting in further budget increases, new malinvestments, and, perish the thought, Trump’s evil peace plan?!

But I fear if they can’t form a new government, Charedim won’t have Chanukah camps!

Yay, great!

Do you want the seculars to have their unchaste Chanukah camps…?!

“Double-edged sword” fails to capture the reality. How blindly we ignore the fact — just recently emphasized in response to anti-Charedi vote-mongering — that for every crumb supposedly assisting Torah, many treasure-houses go to burning the Torah!

(A similar argument ought to be made for rejecting U.S. foreign aid, of which approx. 7 times as much goes to Arab enemies.)

Not to mention, precisely where does the Torah order you to steal V.A.T. from the poor and inflate fiat currency for Chanukah camps for ANYBODY?!