Anti-Zionist Kettle Logic

You know the joke:

“Two elderly women are at a Catskill mountain resort, and one says, ‘Boy, the food at this place is really terrible.’

The other one says, ‘Yeah, I know; and such small portions.'”

The anti-Zionist says the Medinah is a “Merida Nora’ah” against Malchus Shamayim, and if only it didn’t exist, Amen. And it keeps on going year after year after year, Heaven save us.

And besides, he adds a beat later, it’s all a Purim shpiel, anyway. Medinah my foot!

The so-called “state” depends for its very survival upon American governmental foreign aid. And the Arab violence and Iranian threat make a mockery of its claim to provide a safe haven to Jews worldwide.

“What kind of Medinah is that, anyway?!” he hotly demands.
