Another State Problem

One of the problems with state-organized society is that accurate information can often be harder to find as you ascend to the top. This is because the underlings want to stay in the good graces of the “upperlings” by pandering to their preconceptions and prejudices.

To illustrate, here’s a quote from Murray Rothbard:

“Hence, for example, the phenomenon of President Nixon, thinking he knew more than anyone else about the Vietnam War and yet actually knowing less than the astute reader of the New York Times. For the CIA and other intelligence warnings of what was going on, developed by many of the lower officers, were screened out by the higher-ups, for being contrary to the President’s preferred line, i.e., that all was going well.”

What Does the Torah Say About Immigration?

While criticized for their silence regarding the rape of Dinah, the discussion and reasoning of the residents of Shechem, when deciding whether to admit Yaacov and his family are put forth at full length. It appears we can learn what sensible immigration policy consists of. By the way, the fact the king had to get their permission, is why they are held culpable for his son’s previous actions with Dinah.

These were the (convincing) points made (Bereishis 34:20, and onwards):

  1. The land is spacious.
  2. The incomers are merchants, not bums.
  3. They are not enemies.
  4. We see no problem with intermarriage — it is actually desirable.

So, the opposite not…

(Without delving into the technical halacha of “Chezkas Hayishuv“. Also, see this interesting piece by Yehuda Segal.)

גם להיתר אמיתי יש גבולות

צריך לדעת יסוד כללי. גם היתר “גמור” ושל חז”ל יש לו גבולות. ולמשל,  אם אמרו, הלכה כהמיקל בעירובין, הרי אין ההוא כובס והצדוקי בכלל. כי אמנם מ”ט פנים יש, אך לא לא יותר ולא בכל שאלה. וכן אם כתמים תולין “בכל מידי”, אין זה פשוט ממילא להתיר כתם כגריס בזה”ז. וגם אם כל הענין רק סייג, עכ”פ גם סייג יש לו שיעור למטה כל דהו. והבן.