Torah-True Zionism: ‘Mitzvah Goreres Mitzvah’!

Personal observation:

If you’re religiously anti-Zionist, you need not prove yourself any further. So, while this is certainly harmful in a myriad of ways, this Aveirah doesn’t drag other Aveiros in its wake, in the same sense. But, it doesn’t lead to other mitzvos, either.

On the other hand, if you hold that full Judaism consists of Zionism (among other things), you will need to actively demonstrate you aren’t a “Mizrachnik“, perish the thought. You will be kept to a higher standard.

That’s a good thing.

Avos 4:2:

בן עזאי אומר, הוי רץ למצוה קלה, ובורח מן העברה. שמצוה גוררת מצוה, ועברה גוררת עברה. ששכר מצוה, מצוה. ושכר עברה, עברה.