Novardok: Attack Therapy

Wikipedia’s article on “Attack Therapy” is missing mention of Yeshiva “Beit Yosef- Novardok” in France, founded by Rabbi Gershon Libman.

They “tear down to rebuild”…

An excerpt \ intro:

Attack therapy was one of several pseudo-therapeutic methods described in the book Crazy Therapies. It involves highly confrontational interaction between the patient and a therapist, or between the patient and fellow patients during group therapy, in which the patient may be verbally abused, denounced, or humiliated by the therapist or other members of the group.

A 1990 report by the Institute of Medicine on methods for treating alcohol problems suggested that the self-image of individuals should be assessed before they were assigned to undergo attack therapy; there was evidence that persons with a positive self-image may profit from the therapy, while people with a negative self-image would not profit, or might indeed be harmed.