Javier Milei on the Connection Between Peace and Prosperity

From an interview in the paywalled “Economist” (sent by a reader, not checked inside):

Where you give way to freedom, society flourishes. Not only economically, but it flourishes also in social aspects. There is a phrase by [Frédéric] Bastiat that is wonderful, which says: “Where commerce enters, bullets do not enter.”

And there is another wonderful phrase that is by Bertrand de Jouvenel who says: “Where there is a market, manners are sweet.”

Notes: I don’t get the impression Mr. Milei understands the full implications of the freedom philosophy for foreign policy. He’s no Ron Paul, to put it lightly. Why does he support school vouchers? And I don’t see him seeking advice (dogs aside).

(I’ll admit, I’m quoting him because it’s far easier than carefully checking Bastiat and Bertrand de Jouvenel in the original!)

By the way, here is a Gemara that might be hinting at the same idea, Berachos 57a:

אמר רבי חייא בר אבא הרואה חטים בחלום ראה שלום שנאמר השם גבולך שלום חלב חטים ישביעך.

And see this title.