Five-Part Webinar: Life in Israel for a Frum Family Making Aliyah

The It’s Shayech program of Nefesh B’Nefesh is doing a five-part series of webinars on “What does life in Israel look like for a frum family making Aliyah?”

These webinars can be beneficial for anyone planning Aliyah in the near and even distant future.


The webinars will be held on five consecutive Sundays at 12:00PM EST Time starting from Feb 18th through March 17.


Topics include:

  1. An open conversation about Aliyah – Feb 18
  2. Boys Chinuch: High schools and Yeshiva Ketanas- Feb. 25
  3. Bais Yaakovs- March. 3
  4. Parnassah- March. 10
  5. Communities (Afula|Karmiel|Rechovot)- March 17

Learn more or register over here!