Why Does Israel Stay So POOR?

Rabbi Pinchas Winston was giving a speech, as usual, promoting Aliyah in Texas, USA when an audience member asked him: if we all just move to Israel, where will all the Tzedakah collectors go to collect money, huh?!

Rabbi Winston responded, tell me, do you think Jews who make Aliyah generally do so for materialistic reasons, or to come closer to Hashem?

To serve Hashem.

If so, then tell me, what stops the Master of the World from making Israel a wealthy country? Why are they made to leave the holy land and collect money in Texas?!

You tell me.

Well, Chazal tell us Noah made a hole in the ark to feed Og Melech Habashan, so he could survive the flood (Yalkut Bereishis 7:56). Likewise, Hashem doesn’t allow us to be wealthy for your sakes. As for us, we’re already in the land of Israel. But you! What connection would Texans have to the land if you couldn’t give Tzedakkah to Eretz Yisrael?!

That’s the real reason we keep coming to Texas.