Avreichim Entering the Worldly Workplace – Two Illustrative Stories

(“Worldly“, as opposed to a “position” within the observant, non-profit\minimum-wage\”Yeshiva’she Ma’asros” world.)

Some true stories I know of (interpretation subjective, of course):

Case One: Avreich starts work at an engineering, blue-collar job. Refuses extra hours, to keep learning. Keeps Torah shiurim playing in one ear whenever possible (with permission). Avoids hearing the shop-talk, to avoid hearing dirty language. Doesn’t own a smartphone. Is not creative, proactive enough (read: “Rosh Gadol”), so he is “transferred” within the company to a difficult, menial position.

Case Two: ex-Avreich joins a white-collar, computer software company. Won’t join coworkers in the dining room per Rambam Sanhedrin end of chap. 22, נקיי הדעת שבירושלים… לא נכנסים לסעודה עד שידעו מי מיסב עמהן. Discovers he is forever out of the loop on work matters and decides to change his mindset and behavior.

Case Three: Similar to the first two cases (overheard).

So, what’s the lesson?

I don’t know, but we need an understanding of the real world in our analysis of these questions.