A Brief Break from the ‘Atem Keruyim Adam’ Apologia…

Finally, a rabbi stating the obvious truth about non-Jews in a forthright fashion, in English!

Here is Rabbi Dr. Moshe D. Tendler in an article on population control:

… The big sacrifice, the Akedat Yitzchak (the sacrifice of Isaac) is rarely demanded of us. However the small daily acts of sacrifice that are the basis of our survival as a Holy Nation, should be woven into the personality fabric of every Jew. It may be “inconvenient” to measure every thought and act against the yardstick of Torah right and wrong. Indeed to live the life of a human being clearly differentiated by his every act from those infrahuman species that are his co-tenants on this planet is a major inconvenience…

Translation: Jews are human. Non-Jews are almost-human.

Wait, aren’t you providing fodder for antisemites?

As if they need any! See this.

The only thing Goyim have going for them is that, unlike cows, they can convert to humanity (read: Judaism) if they but so choose.

On a related note, see here for a mainstream rabbi admitting Jews do constitute a “foreign element” among the nations.