The Hypocrisy and Idiocy of Advocating Administrative Detention for Arabs but Not Jews

Rabbi Eliyahu on administrative order: ‘Protest loudly’

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu in video against use of administrative arrest and distancing orders, calls public to exert pressure to prevent spread.


Ido Ben Porat, 04/11/19 20:42

Safed Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu released a video today in which he calls to raise public pressure against the issuance of administrative detention orders and distancing Jews.

This call follows the administrative order given two months ago to a resident of Yitzhar in Samaria, who is distanced from his home for three months for no apparent reason.

Rabbi Eliyahu also says in the video that he was told that Arabs are not given administrative orders due to public pressure on the matter, and therefore the rabbi calls for similar pressure to be applied against such orders to Jews.

Neria Zarug, married and father of two children, is a resident of Yitzhar who is currently distanced from his home and the area of Samaria and Binyamin, and is prohibited from contacting sixteen of his friends by administrative order. Zarug is not the only one and right now there are a number of Jews who are distanced for unpublished reasons, with no court order but with the signature of IDF Central Commander Nadav Padan. Zarug decided not to obey the dictates of the order and continues to stay in the village of Yitzhar in Samaria.

In the video, Rabbi Eliyahu addresses the issue and says, “At the time, we approached ministers and public figures to apply administrative detention to terrorist families. They said, ‘No, it’s not so legal, it won’t work, it won’t pass the Supreme Court.’ We asked, “How do you apply administrative detention to Jews?” – “Oh, because there’s no public pressure.”

Rabbi Eliyahu later addresses the general public about “the fact that we are sitting quietly – it allows administrative detention of young men for nothing, no guilt on their part, because if they were guilty of something they’d file a complaint against them. We must protest firmly against administrative detention on Jews; is it sheer racism, done only to Jews and not to Arabs? Terrorist’s families, combatants, not even their homes are destroyed – those who support terrorists.”

In conclusion, the rabbi calls for a stir and public pressure against orders given to the Jews only: “Something here is distorted and should be protested against, and not in a thin, weak voice, but with loud noise” the rabbi ends his remarks.

Rabbi Eliyahu joins Rabbi Dov Lior and Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg who expressed support for Zarug on the administrative order he received and even Minister Smotrich who addressed the Central Commander before he signed the order in order to prevent its issuance.

Zarug refused to accept the order, and posted that he would openly violate it, even posting a picture of himself building a sukkah and buying the four species for the Sukkah holiday that recently took place. Zarug enjoys support from public figures and various supporters for his struggle against the administrative orders, and now Rabbi Eliyahu has also been added.

The Honeinu legal aid organization that assists Zarug joined Rabbi Eliyahu in his call and said, “The order given to Neria Zarug and many like him is a legal and moral disgrace. The GSS and IDF utilize British Mandatory tools to harass Jews who love their land who are guilty of nothing. With no judge and no judgment. We join Rabbi Eliyahu in his call to the public and hope that the decision makers put an end to this ongoing scandal.”

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From Arutz Sheva, here.

Menachem Begin on Brit Hakana’im and Administrative Detention

Did Menachem Begin Call Israeli Laws Nazi Laws?

About a month ago, I was walking along the perimeter of the Knesset during an ordinary sitting, when I suddenly froze in my tracks. Ayman Oudeh, the chairman of the Joint Arab List, was speaking at the Knesset podium, and he had made an impossible statement. Actually, he had cited a quote that could not possibly be accurate.

It was a Wednesday afternoon at the beginning of Teves and January. The topic under discussion was the UN Security Council resolution concerning Yerushalayim. It didn’t seem likely that anything of note could be said in the course of the discussion. Yaakov Margi of the Shas party delivered an address that was entirely predictable, and Ayman Oudeh then went to the podium. The content of his speech should have been equally predictable – but it wasn’t.

Oudeh decided to speak about a different topic, which is also not unusual for the Knesset. “Mr. Speaker and my colleague, Yaakov Margi,” he began. “Mohammed Khaled Ibrahim – has anyone heard that name? Mohammed Khaled Ibrahim is a twenty-year-old young man from the village of Kabul, a citizen of the State of Israel. He was arrested last year on May 11, and was placed in administrative detention. But I understand why you have never heard his name: He is an Arab. Even though he is a citizen of the State of Israel, you have never heard his name.

“What is administrative detention?” Oudeh continued. “It is when a person is not brought to court and doesn’t know what he has done wrong. His parents don’t know what he has done wrong, and even we do not know what the charges against him are, but he has been in jail for six months already.”

All of that was predictable and even boring. These are routine matters. The right-wing activists who are known as the “hilltop youth” suffer from the same phenomenon; they can be placed in “administrative detention” without anyone explaining the reason, and without being given the right to consult with a lawyer. This has been the law since the state was first founded. Dr. Anat Barko (who wrote her doctoral thesis on the subject of Palestinian women committing suicide bombings) interjected, “It is a groundless arrest.”

Oudeh then hinted at the bombshell he was preparing to drop. He had simply been waiting for the interjection. “You say that the arrest is groundless,” he said. “Let us listen to the words of your famous leader, Menachem Begin, according to the Knesset protocols from May 21, 1951. I would never have had the audacity to say this, but these were his words, spoken in this very Knesset, about the law of administrative detention. ‘There are laws that are tyrannical, there are laws that are unethical, and there are Nazi laws.’ Menachem Begin himself said that this law is ‘tyrannical,’ ‘unethical,’ and a ‘Nazi law.’ This illegal imprisonment and administrative order is an act of audacity, and according to the legendary leader of the Cherut party – which is known as the Likud in its current incarnation – you have no right to do it.”

I listened as Oudeh spoke, and I could not believe that he was telling the truth. I was certain that the quote had been falsified. It was unthinkable that Menachem Begin could have uttered the word “Nazi” while referring to a law of the State of Israel. After all, it was Begin himself who organized massive protests against the acceptance of reparations from Germany. The horrors of the Holocaust were ingrained in his consciousness; how could he have said such a thing?

It seemed to me that the members of the Knesset were not listening, or perhaps they simply didn’t grasp the significance of Oudeh’s words. Yehuda Glick of the Likud party called out, “Would you say the same thing if a Jew was detained?”

“I am against any administrative detention,” Oudeh replied, “whether it is an Arab or a Jew.”

None of the few people present in the plenum challenged the veracity of the quote from Menachem Begin. No one demanded a clarification about the circumstances in which he had said those words – if he had actually said them at all.

Though it was clear to me that the quote was false, I made my way to the archives where the protocols of every Knesset sitting are kept. When I found the transcript in question, I received a double shock. First, I discovered that the quote came from a discussion in the Knesset about us – the chareidim. Menachem Begin was speaking about chareidim who had been placed in administrative detention. This took place at the very beginning of the history of the state, three years after its founding, and concerned an underground group known as the Brit HaKanoim. That episode led to another scandal, when it was revealed that the chareidi detainees at the Jalmi detention camp had been abused and tortured. Most of the speakers in the Knesset on that occasion attacked Moshe Sharett, the deputy prime minister at the time, for supporting their arrest. Menachem Begin, the leader of Etzel and head of the opposition, was undoubtedly the most outspoken of them all.

My second surprise came from Begin’s words themselves. Whoever it was who found the quote that Oudeh cited in the Knesset could have added many more choice excerpts of his speech on that day. Evidently, Oudeh’s researcher was too lazy to look further, or perhaps he did not imagine that anything more caustic could have been said. Nevertheless, I read Begin’s entire address, and I found that he attacked the law of administrative detention, and the arrests of yeshiva bochurim, with no less virulence than Oudeh himself displayed in the Knesset.


First, a little background. The Brit HaKanoim was a group of young Yerushalmi chareidim who were outraged at the scourge of public chillul Shabbos and the sale of nonkosher food in the holy city. They were not like the kanoim of Mea Shearim with whom we are familiar today; rather, they were bochurim from respected families who were part of mainstream chareidi society. In later years, one of those bochurim, Shlomo Lorintz, became a member of the Knesset from Agudas Yisroel. Another, Rav Mordechai Eliyahu, went on to become the chief rabbi of Israel. That should give you an idea of who the group’s members were….

They called themselves an “underground,” and according to police investigators and the Shin Bet, the group had about 35 members. They were active from 1949 through 1951, and they employed tactics that drew the criticism of the gedolim, although it was clear that their intentions were noble. The bochurim claimed that they had the backing of Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank, the rov of Yerushalayim. They began their work by sending threatening letters to the owners of stores that sold treif meat, and to the managers of taxi companies that operated on Shabbos. In January 1951, they torched about 15 cars that had been seen driving in the vicinity of Geulah on Shabbos, and they also set fire to a butcher shop.

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From Yated Ne’eman, here.

In Case You Are Ever Kidnapped by Israeli Secret Police for Supposed ‘Jewish Terror’

Excerpted from Tzedek-Tzedek:

I gave a guy a hitch/tremp the other day. It transpired he is closely involved in the Duma case (the arson which killed three members of the Dawabsheh family).

During the ride, he told me about an astounding aspect of the case which was unfamiliar to me, and probably to you too, as the only media outlet which has agreed to publish the story was Haaretz (in their Premium section).

You will recall that on 2nd August, 2015, the Israeli Cabinet approved introducing “extraordinary measures” in interrogating suspects of Jewish terror.

It has been widely reported that these measures included administrative detention (ie imprisonment for long periods without charges or trial), physical force (stretching, electrocution), sleep deprivation (considered a form of torture under international law) and causing emotional stress (harassment, sexual assault).

My passenger told me about an additional level of “extraordinary measures” which have recently been used for interrogating and extracting confessions from Jewish suspects, which sound like a B Movie script.

There is a disused British Prison in Acco (not the public museum, but a different building near the current day police station) which was converted by the police, for the purpose of extracting confessions from “Jewish terror” suspects,  into a fully functioning mock prison.

All the people in the prison, the guards, the prison service officers, and the prisoners, both Jews and Arabs, were all undercover policemen, acting in these roles.

The only ‘real’ characters were the Jewish suspects. These suspects were held totally separately from each other, and report similar treatment.

Shortly after his arrest, Klimkovitz found himself in this fake Acco prison, in the same cell together with “dangerous long term prisoners”, including murderers, gang members, drug dealers, etc. Most of the prisoners were Arabs.

During his incarceration, he was witness to a “stabbing murder” of an Arab prisoner by a Jewish prisoner armed with a knife. There was blood everywhere, a dead body, a hasty washing off of the knife to remove fingerprints, and general panic among the prisoners. The prison authorities, batons swinging, launched an investigation.

The prisoners then turned on Klimkovitz, knowing he was a witness to the murder, and a new inmate, and they accused him of being an informer or undercover cop. They beat him, including kicking him in his testicles and threatened his life.

In order to ‘clear himself’ of the allegation and violent consequences of being an informer (the lowest class of prisoner and open game for retaliation), he was told he must tell them what crimes he had committed so that his identity as a genuine criminal could be verified by their friends outside, and so that the prisoners would have leverage to use against him to ensure his silence. This would avoid him being labeled and punished/silenced as an informer.

Placing a minor into a prison of adults is against the law; however, the prosecution are arguing that it wasn’t a real prison, so that law didn’t apply. The defence is arguing that subjectively, the boys believed they were in a real prison, with real prisoners and real threats – therefore this constituted illegal incarceration and unlawful pressure.

It Is Wrong for the Military to Kidnap ARABS Without a Trial, Too!

Israel holds a US scholar in administrative detention, as colleagues demand his release


International scholars and activists are campaigning for the release of their colleague and friend, Ubai Aboudi, who was arrested by Israeli forces on November 13th and has since been held under administrative detention.

Aboudi, a US citizen and director of the Ramallah-based Bisan Center for Research and Development, was detained from his home in the town of Kafr Aqab northeast of Jerusalem, where he lives with his wife Hind and their three young children.

Born and raised in Bloomington, Indiana, Aboudi has lived most of his adult life in Ramallah, where he was educated as a political economist at Birzeit University.

His work at the Bisan center, according to family and friends, consists mostly of working with marginalized communities in rural areas of Palestine “to support their struggle in advancing their socio-economic rights.”

“Ubai’s family and friends are distraught and anxious for his immediate release,” a statement written by Aboudi’s family said, adding that “Ubai would like nothing more than to continue his work of bringing education and equal gender rights to his community” and to be home with his family to decorate their Christmas tree.

“It is a violation of international rights to imprison a person without any accusations or indictments,” the statement said, urging “fellow Americans and citizens of the world who believe in the rule of law and Ubai’s rights of due process as a US citizen and human being to demand for his immediate release.”

On November 18th, five days after he was arrested, Aboudi was put before an Israeli military court — which has a 99% conviction rate — and sentenced to 4 months in prison, subject to renewal.

Under Israel’s widely condemned policy of administrative detention, Palestinians can be detained for months, or years at a time, for “security reasons,” without ever being charged with a crime or having their day in court.

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From Mondoweiss, here.

Why Is EVERYTHING ‘Anti-Semitism’ All of a Sudden?!

Answer: Because it’s about totalitarian thought control and speech control. Anti-semitism is just a useful excuse for controlling subjects (same as “racism“, “xenophobia“, “misogyny“, etc. etc.).

הוו זהירין ברשות, שאין מקרבין לו לאדם אלא לצרך עצמן…

“Definition Creep” aside, I don’t think antisemitism is a useful term almost any time or anywhere. Oh sure, it exists, but it still can’t be nailed down. That’s why academics move from “classical” Jew-hatred to New antisemitism to the 3D test of antisemitism to the Working Definition of Antisemitism to…

Oh, and by the way, I have a Chazakah of being Jewish.

Here are some ridiculous definitions of anti-semitism by an evil NGO:

“Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.”

Aha! So, it’s all about stopping populism, “radicalism”, “extremism”, and other buzzwords, which all just convey a threat to current politicians’ sovereignty and legitimacy. Because everyone — including Jews themselves — surely calls for harming and killing at least some Jews in the name of some goal, such as supporters of the Jewish or non-Jewish death penalty, Torquemada‘s Inquisition, abortion, expelling Jews from their homes, prisoner exchanges, suicide, Rabin o.a.m. giving Arafat guns, sabotaging Holocaust rescue attempts, etc. ad nauseam. I guess harmful, but non-radical ideology (e.g., socialism) or harmful non-extremist religion (e.g., Cursedianity) is all fine and dandy.

If the writers meant GENOCIDE, then why not say so? Because you don’t want to hear the “Amalek” counter?

“… [Repeating] the myth of Jews controlling the media, government, the economy, or other societal institutions.”

Well, the real problem with so-called “Economic antisemitism” is just economic ignorance — shared by approx. 90% of the population…! And why “myth”? Yes, there is a Pareto distribution in economies, and yes, Jews are often “disproportionately represented” in these loci. This is not because of incoherent “exploitation” and misunderstood economic “control”, but because of the blessing God gave to Avraham and his seed after him in Parshas “Lech Lecha”:

ואעשך לגוי גדול ואברכך ואגדלה שמך והיה ברכה. ואברכה מברכיך ומקללך אאר ונברכו בך כל משפחת האדמה.

Rabbi Touger’s Translation:

And I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will aggrandize your name, and you shall be a blessing. And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse, and all the families of the earth shall be blessed in you.”

And we’re on our way to taking over the whole world ASAP, God willing, so maybe the Goyim sense that. But not by our hand, Heaven forfend, but by Hashem’s help. And plenty of other nations think and anticipate exactly the same thing about themselves — and make the same prophecy about themselves and their eschatology, for good measure; don’t you deny it!

“Accusing Jews as a people of responsibility for real or imagined wrongdoing by individuals, even those committed by non-Jews.”

Let’s translate: The words “even those committed by non-Jews” is supposed to counter the “Most communists were Jews” claim discussed here in the past.

But some Jews really ought to stop promoting open borders or counterproductive “Hate Speech” criminalization or disgusting auto-idolatry, and maybe some criticism will help! And as for “imagination”, what’s wrong with that?! Sure, as the Chosen People, our sins do cause the whole world to suffer (not that we cannot counter-sue, though…). (As for “peoplehood”, see the next item.)

“Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.”

Recognizing “Man” somehow consists of both individuality and nationhood (as is clear throughout the whole Tanach, even for non-Jews) is antisemitism now?! Do whole nations wage war with other nations (a useful fiction), or do politicians go shoot other politicians themselves, eh? And so on.

As for those Jews who don’t like being verbally accused of deserved faults? Maybe that’s because they are trying to assimilate and become like the Goyim?

“Accusing Jews of being more loyal to the state of Israel than to their own countries.”

Oh, you mean like asking: “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars – Shouldn’t they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East?” Sounds like a reasonable suggestion to me!

The truth is, Jews worldwide used to endanger themselves to assist the Mossad’s agents worldwide, but no longer do. Sephardic Jews made Aliyah, then some of them went back to spy on the Arab countries they hailed from. Not to mention Pollard. And perhaps Jews will become hyper-patriotic again in the future. Most American support for Israel comes not from Jews, as is well known. And if the two loyalties aren’t mutually exclusive (as, indeed, they aren’t, unless either state is interventionist or war-mongering [OK, so they both are…]), dual-loyalty or even greater loyalty to Israel is all academic, anyway. Who knows? Who cares?

And loyalty to the state of Israel is hardly loyalty toward Jews. Indeed, supporting the Israeli state (let alone specific policies) is itself to support “harming and killing” Jews, since the Jewish people practically have no greater enemy in the world today than that monstrous institution which enslaves, murders, expels, taxes and endangers them in their own land and property, and all in their name! We’ve said it before: Yom Ha’Atzma’ut Commemorates a Poor, Wicked Decision. Haven’t you noticed Jew-haters applaud when the state’s thugs throw Jews out of their rightful homes or torture innocent Jewish boys?!

“Applying double standards by…”

Yes, we ought to be held to a higher standard than non-Jews, just like women have less mitzvos because they are inferior to men (follow the hyperlink for proof). We are capable of more and are therefore to be held culpable for slighter infractions! That’s why world media (mostly controlled by consumer preferences, not stockholders) are “obsessed” with Israeli war crimes and oppression, as opposed to African or Arab quantitatively larger crimes. That’s how it should be (not that it has discernibly salutary effects!).

(Besides, can’t people specialize in criticizing one country or state, such as, say… Israel?)


“Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.”

So Yeshayahu Leibowitz (of the “Judeo-Nazi” epithet fame) et alii are antisemites (or are we supposed to buy into “auto-antisemitism”)? “Administrative Detention” practiced both against Jews and non-Jews wasn’t copied from the Nazis (who got it from the Brits)?! The occupied Civil-Authority,-Hamas-and-PLO-controlled zones are not open-air detention camps?! Mo’etzet Yesha’s quislings are not best compared to the Judenrat? Why not?!

And now people all over the planet finally know more about the Nazis’ war crimes than half of the rest of history (let alone of Mao, Stalin, etc.), due to the Holocaust educational crusade (yes, hyperbole), all of a sudden mental shortcuts based on those same Nazis are forbidden? That’s mean.

And without the Torah (so to speak), are the Nazis and Jews a priori incommensurable? No. So, you are trying to employ the Torah for your own purposes, but also deny any obligations it places on Jews, like Ben Gurion quoting Scripture to back up Zionism?

“Using the symbols and images associated with classic anti-Semitism…”

Right (eyes rolling). So… although antisemitism is admittedly “classic” and of traditional provenance, Goyim are supposed to reject their own storied heritage?! They must despise their blood ancestors’ blood libels and love the Jews for the sake of trendy political correctness? (But not convert to Judaism, either…) Ha! Good luck with that one…

“Holocaust, blah blah.”

I’m with Rabbi Meir Kahane on this… See also: Is Criminalizing Holocaust Denial Wise?

OK, enough said for now.

Question: Well, what’s your definition of antisemitism?

Answer: I don’t have one.* I think antisemitism is a (limited) counterfactual taught by Chazal. You know Goyim hate Jews. I know Goyim hate Jews. Even Goyim know Goyim hate Jews. But one can almost never manage to point to a specific person or action and apply the antisemitism label.

Cease with the “antisemitism” this, and “antisemitism” that — a strategy created and taught not chiefly by Torah greats from any era, but by atheistic Jews and their unjewish organizations (go check it out). They are deluded they’ve altered the immutable; Goyim can’t help themselves, nebbech. It’s halacha (read: human nature), and halachos are unchangeable, sniff all you like: רבי שמעון בן יוחאי אומר הלכה בידוע שעשו שונא ליעקב אלא נהפכו רחמיו באותה שעה.

Want to solve the antisemitism problem? Here’s a novel idea: Carry a gun, and learn how to shoot.

If a non-Jew harms you, take revenge. If they credibly threaten you, strike first. And if they insult you, bear it (or don’t!). And suggest they convert to Judaism, so they swoon and gag!

Here’s what not to do: Don’t shoot spitballs at people with atom bombs, and don’t antagonize the “70 Wolves” without good reason.

Let me remind you: I myself have a Chazakah of being Jewish.

If you are a Jew currently living outside the land of Israel, and you don’t love this article (Megillah 7a: קנאה את מעוררת עלינו לבין האומות), I will say two words, appending my twentieth exclamation mark: Make Aliyaaaaaah!

*Well I do, but it’s unmentionable in any setting:

Antisemitism, noun. The state of refusing to convert into Judaism.”