How The IDF Creates Arab Terrorists

A fellow in the IDF’s prestigious Duvdevan unit saw the show with his own eyes and told a friend of mine:

They would go arrest someone on mere suspicion, or “Administrative Detention” (the same is done to Jews, by the way). This by arresting him in the dead of night, waking his whole family, cuffing and insulting him in front of them, bumping into him a few times in the course of things, for tactical necessity (or not), and once again, all this in front of his family (let’s not forget the Arab cultural issue of “losing face”). And then, by the purest of pure chance, the man’s 15-year-old son would begin a long career of armed resistance to Israel, solely because Ishmaelite Arabs are born antisemites, and are taught incitement in school…

And this happens all the time.

Ah, why are you listening to him? He’s probably a crazy leftist.
