The Heavy Price of ‘Free’ US Government Aid

Israel Already Pays for US Aid: By Moshe Feiglin

Last week, leading Republican candidate Donald Trump said that Israel will have to pay for the military aid it receives from the US. It is not entirely clear to me (and apparently, not to him, either) what he meant. How does one pay for aid? After all, if we pay for the weaponry that we receive in exchange for the aid funds, it is no longer aid, but simply a purchase.

Although I am not sure what Trump meant, I can say that if he meant that the aid to Israel should stop – then I am totally on board. Israel should have initiated the termination of US aid a long time ago. In a television interview I explained that the F-35 ‘aid’ to Israel meets America’s needs – not Israel’s (except for the needs of a few people in Israel, who, according to the Olmert recordings, are making a lot of money from these deals).

This week we were informed that the Director of the Operational Test and Evaluation Directorate of the United States Department of Defense, .Dr. Michael Gilmore  reported to Congress that even now, after a long term effort to fix the ‘bugs’ in the F35, tests show defects that cannot be ignored.

According to a March 24th article in Janes:

“The limited and incomplete F-35 cyber-security testing accomplished to date has … revealed deficiencies that cannot be ignored,” Michael Gilmore, the director of combat testing, said in a prepared statement for a hearing by the House Armed Services subcommittee on tactical air and land forces. Gilmore’s testimony summarizes earlier reports that detail the risks of concurrent development and production of weapon systems.

Furthermore, the mission systems software supporting the aircraft’s Northrop Grumman AN/APG-81 AESA radar is not stable enough for combat, according to Gilmore’s testimony. The radar has to be restarted once every four hours of flying time, the statement said. The US Air Force (USAF) has said that fixing this issue remains its main concern before it can allow its jets to deploy in combat.

The American ‘aid’ coerced Israel into buying a scandalous,  non-deployable weapons system. In another nine months, the F35s will be landing in Israel. The capability of these jets to reach Iran is doubtful. Every four hours the pilot has to restart the radar. The Americans no longer believe that they will be ready for deployment for at least another two years.

I have news for you, Mr. Trump. Israel is already paying for the American ‘aid’. And how…

From Jewish Israel, here.

Raising True Kashrus Experts \ הבה נגדל מומחי כשרות באמת

כולל כשרות המזון

הנה טיוטה של תכנית לכולל כשרות שערך תלמיד חכם החפץ בעילום שמו

אב תשע”ג


הקמת כולל שיכשיר רבנים ואברכים במכלול התחומים המקצועיים הנושקים לסוגיות בכשרות המזון. בוגרי הכולל ישתלבו בצוות פיתוח ומעקב במערכת הכשרות, ובכך יתנו תפונה הלכתית ומקצועית לאיכות הכשרות בישראל.

חמירא סכנתא מאיסורא

הרבנים והאברכים יקבלו הכשרה מקיפה בתחום בריאות המזון, הכולל הכרת תווי תקן בינלאומיים, על מנת להטמיע את יסודות בריאות המזון בתוך מערכת הכשרות.

למערכת הכשרות יתווסף חותמת נוספת “כשר ומומלץ”, שמשמעותו שהייצור של מוצר זה הוא על פי תקנים בינלאומיים. בדומה לתו תקן הידוע בעולם  Choices (בישראל: הבחירה הנבונה). אין ספק, שתוספת זו, ירחיב בהרבה את מעגל הצרכנים שידרשו את חותמת הכשרות.

קהל היעד:

קהל היעד הוא אברכים מוכשרים בעלי רקע אישי תורני גבוה, שבנוסף יעברו מבחן פסיכומטרי להתאמה. (את האנגלית יצטרכו לרכוש תוך זמן מסוים).

הלימוד התורני בכולל:

הלימוד בכולל יהיה מורכב, מלימוד עיוני בסוגיות התלמודיות הקשורות לכשרות המזון, בהלכה וגם באגדה. ייבחרו עשרות מאמרים מתוך מאות הקיימות, שעליהם ללמוד, ולהיבחן עליהם. על הלומדים להכין עבודה תורנית על נושא אקטואלי בתחום כשרות המזון.

לימודים כלליים:

ההכשרה בלימודים הכלליים ייעשה בצורה של השתלמות חיצונית, לא בשטח הכולל. ייבחרו אנשי אקדמיה מהמדרגה הראשונה, שיבנו curriculum שיכיל את כל הידע הנחוץ לאיש התורני להבין בתחומי הכשרות ובריאות המזון.

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר מטמוני ארץ [הדף נעלם].

Restore Original Israeli Shekels

This is what would happen if Israel were under the gold standard

Cars as an example: The Money Printer vs the Money Saver

Imagine for a moment that I want to buy a car for 100,000 shekels. I’d rather not work and save, so instead I decide to simply print 100,000 shekels in cash so I can buy the car. I print it, I hand the pile over to the car dealer, and the car is now mine.

What just happened here? I counterfeited 100,000 shekels and increased the money supply by 100,000 when I handed those shekels over to the car dealer. The average person, the kind that has to work for his money would say that I stole 100,000 shekels. But today’s economic experts like Stanley Fischer and Ben Bernanke and Paul Krugman would say that I gave “economic stimulus to the automobile industry.” So what really happened?

When an average person works in the private economy and saves money to buy a car, he produces more than he consumes, hence savings. In other words, he puts more into the economy than he takes out, the difference represented by the money he saves. There is now more value in the economy, more stuff because he worked harder, and he takes that real value represented by the money saved and buys a car for 100,000 shekels.

The car dealer now has 100,000 shekels of real value to invest in expanding his business, and thanks to the value that the saver added to the economy through saving, there is now more value in the economy with the same money supply. The value of the shekel goes up and prices drop just a little bit, and everyone owning shekels gets a bit richer thanks to the saver. The car dealer can now expand his business and safely assume the demand is there to match his increase in supply. The economy grows.

Now, if I simply print up 100,000 shekels and give it to the car dealer, I added zero value to the economy. There is no more useful stuff. Just paper. I did not save a thing. All I am doing is taking from the economy without adding anything to it. Worse, the 100,000 shekels I added to the money supply makes the value of the shekel go down a little bit, since more shekels are now chasing the same amount of goods. Prices go up. Everyone gets poorer, except for me of course, because I got to buy the car before the money supply went up. The act of me buying the car was itself the action that made the money supply go up in the first place. I, the money printer and the first new money user, am up one car. Yay for me. But everyone else besides the first person to use newly printed money loses.

Now, let’s say I stop printing money and the car dealer expands his business with the new shekels. Since everyone is now poorer, there is no new demand to match his new supply. The signal he got of new demand for his cars was wrong, because the 100,000 shekels I printed did not represent added value to the economy through saving. Demand is not there, his business overexpands and he has to cut back and contract by selling cars for cheaper and taking a loss. His business shrinks or “goes into recession”, but cars get less expensive for everyone else.

But let’s say I keep printing 100,000 shekels every day and buy another car with it day after day after day. The car dealer will keep misinterpreting the sales as new demand that doesn’t actually exist. He will keep expanding. It will look like the economy is growing and growing, the statistics the government puts out on car sales will skyrocket. But really, only I and the car dealer are benefiting. Everyone else is suffering inflation and getting poorer and poorer every time I print. At some point I will have to print more than 100,000 to buy each car since the money supply is expanding so rapidly, but that’s no big deal for me. It takes the same effort to print 150,000 as it does to print 100,000. I keep getting richer. Inflation doesn’t bother me. The car dealer keeps expanding and cars become so expensive that no one can buy them. Then let’s say suddenly I stop printing shekels and stop buying cars. The car dealer’s business totally crashes, and he goes out of business in a bankruptcy sale. All the cars get sold to the public for ultra cheap. His business “goes into depression,” but cars are suddenly cheap for everyone else.

So we see that every time money is printed:

  1. The ones who receive it first are the ones who benefit the most
  2. The ones who receive it first also become entirely dependent on it
  3. The ones who receive it last suffer inflation and a rising cost of living

And we see that every time I stop printing money:

  1. Those who were receiving it first, suffer the most
  2. Everyone else benefits from deflation and a falling cost of living

What happens in reality?

But this is not exactly how it happens in reality. The institution in charge of printing shekels, the Bank of Israel headed by Stanley Fischer, does not “stimulate the automobile industry”. No no. That’s not his job, at least not directly. When Fischer expands the money supply, he buys none other than government bonds with printed money and stimulates the government. The government is always the first to get the new money.

The government then puts most of the money into the banking system, and uses a small tiny percentage of it to hire more government ministers in order to satisfy coalition partners, give raises to government workers in order to keep up with consumer prices (because God forbid a Knesset Member should suffer the ravages of inflation), cave in to unions like the Histadrut when they threaten a general strike which gives them even more power to shut the country down in future spats, and pass out more welfare to the four corners of the Earth to get more voters. So the first ones to receive new money from Fischer are:

  1. The government and its workers
  2. The banks

Who is the next in line? After buying votes and coalition stability with printed money, the banks then take most of the money and invest it in the stock market and mortgage loans. So the next in line are:

  1. The stock market
  2. The real estate market

As the real estate market rises, so do rent prices, not only on the middle class wage earner who is always last to get the new printed money, but on other renters like Supersol and Rami Levy, so your food bill goes up, too. Meanwhile the government and the banks expand blissfully, and the stock market goes up, but you don’t have enough money to invest there because, with inflation and rent and food going up, you are going into debt. To the banks of course.

And so it goes, that every time the Bank of Israel prints money, the government and the banks and the land owning tycoons get richer and the middle class gets poorer. The wealth transfer from middle class to rich is a necessary part of this process. Why? Because if, for example, the Bank of Israel wants to raise the money supply by 5% and instead of giving the money to the government and the banks, it simply adds 5% to all of our bank accounts overnight, the prices of everything would go up 5% in a day or two and the Bank of Israel would have accomplished nothing but stark and immediate price inflation. The trick is to give it to one group and its buddies, being the government and the banks first. That way it takes time for inflation to affect prices and people don’t even realize they’re getting poorer, or if they do, why it’s even happening.

Continue Reading

From The Jewish Libertarian, here.