Work in the Seat of Government? Then You’re a Wh*re!

Paul Craig Roberts worked as Treasury Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy in 1981 under Ronald Reagan.

As he tells it:

I had held a presidential appointment from a President of the United States. I ended up fighting battles for him against entrenched interests who opposed his policies to end stagflation and the cold war. I helped to win the battles for him, as his accolades to me testify, but my success ended any career for me in government.

So he knew Trump would utterly fail from the very beginning:

I knew that, unlike Reagan who had prepared his run over the years and had a movement behind him, Trump had not. Moreover, also unlike Reagan, Trump had no idea of what he was walking into and no idea of who to appoint to important offices who might be inclined to help him. Generally speaking, the value of a presidential appointment, such as the one I had, lies NOT in helping the president, but in helping the ruling private establishment. Any Assistant Secretary can be very helpful to private interests and end up a multi-millionaire. Indeed, most of them do.

But I put the country’s interest ahead of mine and helped Reagan to cure stagflation and to end the cold war. Curing stagflation was perceived as a threat by the economics profession which had no cure and didn’t want to be shown up by dissident supply-side economists, and much of Wall Street misunderstood what the media called “Reaganomics” as more inflationary deficit spending that threatened their stock and bond portfolios. Ending the Cold War threatened the budget of the military/security complex, a dangerous undertaking.

Here’s the meat:

A decade or two ago a person I had known when I was in Washington, who was a professor in Massachusettes, telephoned me. He said he had just returned from Washington where he had had lunch with some of my former colleagues. He had asked them about me, and according to his report, they said: “Poor Craig. If he had not turned critic, he would be worth tens of millions of dollars like us.” My former acquaintance said that he stood up and said that he didn’t realize that he was having lunch with a bunch of wh*res and left.

Obviously, my aquaintance did not intend to return to a Washington career.

But forget “honest graft”. The state almost never uses its “justice system” against its own functionaries. For blatant examples, see the original article.