What’s the Difference Between ‘Charedi’ and ‘Dati-Leumi’?!

Charedim claim: “The Hyphen Is Heresy”.

Mimah Nafshach; if “Dati” includes “Leumi”, why mention it, and if it doesn’t, why add it?! Every third editorial in Charedi outlets repeats that Dati-Leumi (both linguistic phrase and live individuals) commit משתף שם שמים ודבר אחר, etc. (I believe one good point “redeems” an entire book, so check out aptly-named “Dat Hatzionut“, in spite of its many lackings, to understand this better.)

The word “Charedi”, on the other hand, is nothing but a signifier for “Jew“, who has been renamed by a historical quirk (just like “Hebrew” -> “Israelite” -> “Jew”), the claim continues.

Sounds good, sounds really good, but it’s not true. As an insider, this is psychologically not the case. That’s why Netzach/Bnei Torah/Peleg’s slogan is: חרדים כמו פעם. And their opposition is no different.

Charedim are very unfortunately not aiming to copy Moshe Rabbenu, but the Brisker Rav.