The UNSEEN Victims of Public ‘Welfare’ (and Other Government Programs)

Ayn Rand, “The Virtue of Selfishness” Chapter 10:

“Isn’t science desirable? Isn’t is desirable for man to conquer space?”

To whom? Not to the Soviet serfs who die of epidemics, filth, starvation, terror and firing squads — while some bright young men wave to them from space capsules circling over their human pigsties. And not to the American father who died of heart failure brought on by overwork, struggling to send his son through college — or to the boy who could not afford college — or to the couple killed in an automobile wreck, because they could not afford a new car — or to the mother who lost her child because she could not afford to send him to the best hospital — not to any of those people whose taxes pay for the support of our subsidized science and public research projects.