The Torah Model: Welfare Economy FOR GOYIM In Eretz Yisrael…

Says the Chazon Ish.

That’s why we only accept a Ger Toshav when we have Yovel since Yovel depends on all Jews dwelling in the land. Otherwise, we cannot afford it! According to the Ra’vad, we can still decide whether or not to accept them based on national economic ability. (Without inflation.)

I quote Chazon Ish Shevi’is 24:2-3, see inside:

… אפשר שכל העניים שבאומות יעלו לארץ ויקבלו עליהן גירות התושב ונתחייב להחיותן וכדאמר ב”מ ע”א א’ ולפיכך בזמן שהיובל נוהג וכל ישראל על אדמתן והן שולטין בעולם אפשר להם לעמוד בדבר אבל בזמן שאין כל יושביה עליה ואין שליטת ישראל שלמה אי אפשר להם לקבל גרים תושבים ולפרנסם…

Ponder that…

(Unconstrained cosmopolitans may also wish to note the Torah’s rules for immigration and the Sifrei [brought by Chazon Ish Y. D. 65:5] not to let Gerei Toshav live in border cities.)

And since there is no source for setting up a State, we also see here that the Chazon Ish understands (by fixing the Ra’avad’s text [which Frankel’s manuscripts don’t support, incidentally]) that a plurality of Jews in one place means they naturally control that place (unless they labor under some self-sabotaging anti-Zionist delusion), even without formal, political institutions (as the “Practical Zionism” slogan went, “במקום שבו עוברת המחרשה, שם יהיה הגבול”).

This is against the anti-Zionist settlement\statehood False Dichotomy meant to counter the history and halachos of autonomous Jewish settlement in spite of the “Three Oaths”.

NB: Gary North, in his mostly-Austrian economic commentary on much of the Bible (and the fake sequel), understands, to his credit, just by reading the Pentateuch, that under the laws of “ancient Israel”, non-Jewish strangers at the gate are treated far better than Jews, and meted equal justice. Not accurate, but close.

Apologies for not going into detail; just a humble popularizer.