The Envious Attacks on Foreign Investment in Underdeveloped Countries

“The hated American plotters, like the Elders of Zion in the Nazi polemics of old, can do no right.

  • If they invest overseas, they exploit foreigners. If they do not invest abroad, they are guilty of boycotting other countries…
  • If capitalists earn profits, they impoverish the masses. If they do not earn profits, they prove that capitalism must be decadent.
  • If American entrepreneurs try to preserve indigenous customs in the Third World, they promote ‘dysfunctional’ forms of tribalism. If they disrupt indigenous customs, they are guilty of cultural genocide.

“The list can be extended indefinitely.

“The real or assumed machinations of foreign capitalists supply a universal excuse for the political and economic failures of the Third World.”

Dr. Lewis H. Gann quoted here.