All of History Testifies to the Falsity of Statolatry, and yet…

Excerpt from Immigrant9’s Blog (from September 2009):
… Modern “progressive” or “liberal” thought continues to believe that governmental actions and governmental institutions can successfully intervene in human affairs to the benefit of the governed.
All of history testifies to the falsity of this belief, and yet an ever increasing population continues to cling to it. For only a few examples in our own day, consider just the following:
1) U.S. Social Security – just short of bankruptcy;
2) The U.S. Postal Service – bankrupt;
3) U.S. welfare – produces more welfare clients, rather than reducing them;
4) Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac – bankruptcy;
5) U.S. Medicare – edge of bankruptcy;
6) Congressional handling of tax resources – filled with pork, fraud, careless disbursal, waste, and use for political purposes.
Similar charges can be laid at the door of the Canadian system, but I add only the astonishingly stupid and useless boondoggle of the “gun registry.”