Remember How Charedi Necons Lied Americans Into the Forever War?

Here’s a blast from the past.

Imperialist neocon Yonoson Rosenblum praises George Bush on the Hamodia fish wrapper for the lesser evil of paganism compared to atheism (as though democratic pols aren’t functional atheists!) and warmongers goyim against the State of Israel’s enemies. “Let’s you and him fight”, says the wimpy wonk.

Funny how he speaks of Mohamedan disregard for life (which camp supports abortion?), pretends the Taliban aren’t “religious”, and pretends America doesn’t target innocents (who bombed Hiroshima!?). Of course, always contorting to the narrow card of establishment elite “respectability”, Rosenblum later on also attacked hatred of Mohamedans per se. No understanding of Blowback, the costs of war and empire, the lies, etc. etc.

Here it is:

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Find a slightly different version of this atrocity here (Rosenblum is not even decent enough to scrub the evidence).