Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal’s Aliyah Experience

Excerpted from Rabbi Yaacov Haber:

When my Rebbe, Rav Chaim P. Scheinberg, moved to Israel with his family and his Yeshiva in the early sixties he made a going away speech for a large group of his students and friends. He commented on how when he would walk through the streets of New York and see so much crime, promiscuity, and lack of respect for ideals and morals — he would ask himself on a regular basis, “What am I doing here?”

So he went to visit Eretz Yisroel. On that visit, he toured the length and breadth of the country. As he traveled, he looked around and he saw so much crime, promiscuity and lack of respect, just like back home! — The difference was, he said, he found himself asking, “What are THEY doing here?”

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