Rabbi Hershel Schachter Shows Rudeness Toward the Rambam

Quoting from an article:

The Beis Shmuel (Rema, Shulchan Aruch Even HoEzer siman 90, s’if kattan 6) thinks that even if the Rambam agrees with the Ri Migash on a position not agreed upon by other poskim, this view should be totally ignored, since the Rambam was so taken by the genius of the Ri Migash (his father’s rebbe), and would naturally be inclined to accept his opinion without even thinking twice (even though in several instances the Rambam does reject his opinion), this psak would be considered a shitah y’chida’ah and should be totally ignored.
Chas Veshalom! Since when does such madness even occur to a Talmid Chacham?!
Here is the Beis Shmuel:
ואינו יורש מלות. כ”כ ר”ח ור”ה גאון וכל הפוסקים כמ”ש בתוס’ והרא”ש והר”ן והמגיד אלא כתבו בשם הר”י מיגש דס”ל דיורש מלוה לכן נ”ל אף אם תפס א”י לומר קים לי כהאי אף למ”ש המגיד פ”א ה”נ דהרמב”ם ס”ל כהר”י מ”מ הוי דיעה אחת כמ”ש בתשו’ מהר”י לבית הלוי סי’ נ”ב.
I did not see what he is quoting inside.