Pulverizing the Prohibition to Pass Before People Praying

I heard in the name of one of the Achronim one may pass in front of someone praying Shmoneh Esrei (at least בשעת הדחק, which means: when you want to), since today no one has perfect Kavanah, even during Avos. This was quoted in the name of Shut Tzitz Eliezer vol.7 23:6, but he doesn’t say that at all (read it here on HebrewBooks). But it appears someone said it.

Now, first of all, this nonsense is far worse than it appears. What this means is no one need pray at all, since our prayers are all invalid. This is a misunderstanding of the Gemara (even assuming the description of reality is correct). But what’s worse, is the need to find a Heter, at all.

Now, I can understand why the Achronim felt the need to search for a Heter for holding on to Chametz on Pesach since circumstances actually changed from the time of Chazal. The law disallowing alcohol production for non-Jews, but not Jews, did not exist in Naharda’ah. So if a valid sale could be constructed whereby nothing changes, the quest would be validated. Now, as it happens, it cannot be, but the attempt was still valid.

But here, what has changed from the time of Chazal? I assume there were Jews whose prayer took more time, and Jews whose prayer took less time then, too.