Placing Pikuach Nefesh In Proper Context

Winning the War to Conquer the Land of Israel Overrides the Commandment of Saving Lives

Former Chief Rabbi of British Mandate Palestine, Rabbi Avraham Kook pointed out (Chazon HaGeula p. 222) that winning a War to Conquer the Land of Israel takes precedence even if it means endangering Jews for the sake of victory.

Since destroying the economy will end up harming Israel’s ability to win wars by robbing Israel of the funding needed to produce or buy new weapons to face potential threats, we have to reject the demands of those that demand Corona Virus lockdowns without any limits. Real Jewish morality demands we put a limit on how far we allow Corona safety precautions to go before we put our foot down and say, No More!

Even for the sake of an Optional War, the Torah recognizes there might be war casualties as part of the price of victory.

Dvarim/Deuteronomy 20:7 ‘Is there any man among you who has betrothed a woman and not married her? Let him go home, so that he not die in war and have another man marry her.’

See also the book of Shoftim/Judges 20:39 as a backup to this concept.

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