LZecherNishmas.com: Organize a Joint Siyum Mishnayos FREE

I’ve used the site a few times, and it really works. The users get reminders, and so on.

From the homepage:

Welcome to LZecherNishmas.com, the new service that makes it easy to create and join efforts to complete Shisha Sidrei Mishnah, the full six orders of the Mishnah, in time for a Shloshim or Yahrtzeit.

Learning of Mishnayos as a zechus (merit) for the departed is a long-standing tradition — the letters of Mishnah are the same as those in Neshamah, the soul.

May our learning of the Mishnah indeed be a merit for the departed souls!

This site was created in loving memory of Peretz ben Mordechai Yehuda Friedberg, a”h, and Yisrael Zvi ben Yoel (Edward) Chesler, a”h.

Find it here…