Joshua Shalet: List of Reasons Why I Don’t Vote

1. By voting I’m saying I agree with the system

2. The system is completely corrupt
3. Not one MK called for mass non-compliance during the corona restrictions
4. The system is rigged: my guy is never getting in
5. Even if he does get in, he would accomplish absolutely nothing that will shrink the power of the state
6. What about the charedi parties?
They have zero klal yisrael mentality and are stuck in the status quo ditch: they do not campaign for things that actually matter. Things such as; the temple mount, korban pesach, sound money, abolishing the IDF draft and replacing it with a paid volunteer force, getting rid of daylight savings time in the summer, the right to bear arms, ending taxes, especially the ridiculous 100% car sales tax, making it easier to make aliyah
7. “But without the charedim in the Knesset things will be much worse”
Yeah, right! The Charedi parties were complacent in the destruction of millions of lives from the corona restrictions. They allowed yeshivos, school, and businesses to be closed by force
8. Politicians’ salaries are funded by money stolen from the people. If they are caught performing with malfeasance, there is no recourse, there is no redress of grievances
9. There is a simple and peaceful way to deal with the Arab problem: pay them all to move to Arab countries
10. None of them talk about how to bring Moshiach