‘Jews, Trade Your Green Toilet Paper for a Plane Ticket While You Still Can!’

From Investor’s Business Daily

Dow Jones Today Edges Up On Jobless Claims

Jobless Claims Soar, But Decline from Prior Week

Jobless claims came in at 4.427 million during the week ended April 18, down from 5.237 million claims in the prior week and almost exactly in line with economist expectations. The decline and the matching of estimates were both positives, but nevertheless brought the total number of first-time unemployment claims filed over the past five weeks to 26 million.

In other words, it’s good news that only 4,427,000 people filed for unemployment this week, because that’s fewer newly unemployed people than the number who lost their jobs last week. Of course, the people who previously lost their jobs still don’t have jobs, but this is great news, and the stock market should celebrate.

One day there will be one person left with a job and he will lose it. The stock market will go up because the previous week there were two new claims, and next week there won’t be any.

One day two homeless, starving, former middle-class people will be sitting on the street together. One will complain about the situation, and the other will tell him to cheer up, the economy must be good because the stock market went up.

The stock market is a total farce and a propaganda tool to manipulate the public.

It’s a good thing they’re printing trillions and trillions of green sheets of toilet paper, so there won’t be a shortage.

Jews, trade in your green toilet paper for a plane ticket while you still can.  A caravan in the Negev will soon be a lot more comfortable than a mansion in Jewtown, USA.
