He Promised to Bring Us Back to Israel from the Four Corners of the Earth – And We Have Begun to See the Promise Fulfilled!

A Parsha Sheet In Farsi…

Here is a curio Parsha sheet I discovered a while back. Almost the whole thing is written in Arabic characters. I assume the language is Farsi because the top right-hand corner refers to the publishers being –

מיראס – מורשת יהדות אירן לתודעה היהודית

Miras – “Bringing Iranian Jewry’s Heritage to Jewish Awareness”

I would love to hear more about this from our readers. Have any of you ever seen anything like it? Can you read it? Assuming you can, what Torah level is it written on? How many religious Iranian Jews are living in Israel anyway?

And how do they expect to reach other Jews while writing in Arab script?

I attached two PDF versions of it here:

Download (PDF, 1.66MB)

Download (PDF, 1.81MB)

Have something to say? Write to Avraham Rivkas: CommentTorah@gmail.com