Ex-Ambassador David Friedman’s Fresh New Idea: Jews Must PROTEST Jew-Hatred!

An interview excerpt:

“Don’t expect others to defend you if you do not defend yourself. People watch, and they do not see Jews standing up.” He recalled last summer when there was a rally in Washington led by Elisha Weisel to protest anti-Semitism. Barely a few thousand people showed up for that rally. Over 40 years ago, Friedman recalls a time when Jewish activism was very different from today. As a teenager, he would get bussed to attend rallies in Manhattan with 20,000 people in attendance to protest the Soviet Union’s treatment of the Refuseniks. “It was a big part of our lives,” Friedman says. “It’s time to turn that back on again. Jewish activism is bad in America. There needs to be more Jewish activism. I am watching these videos of Jews walking the streets in Borough Park, Williamsburg and Manhattan. They just get attacked. This is unacceptable.”

See the rest here.

Heh, good luck with that one…