Um, Do You Want Over 9,000 Jewish Songs – For Free? (Yes, I Said FREE!)

The Jewish Music Gemach

The Jewish music gemach was started to get people to stop listening to non-Jewish songs, and instead, listen to Jewish music which comes from the heart. The way it works is if you (or anyone else) wants to make this switch, you delete all your non-Jewish music, email Hadas Bat-El (who runs this amazing project) at and tell here you’ve deleted it. In return, you get access to over 4000 Jewish songs as a google drive link. She has permission from most of the singers to use their stuff, and any singer who didn’t want her to use their music is not in the folder. There is also a rabbi behind this checking any halachic and copyright issues. If you know someone else who might benefit from this, please let them know.

[Defunct link deleted.]