CORONA CONSPIRACY: Where Are Our Prayers?!

From Rabbi Sternbuch’s English parsha sheet:

In a speech Rav Sternbuch noted that this plague has killed many people around the world, and recently rabbonim have been discussing whether the vaccine for it should be taken. Rav Sternbuch said that unfortunately we are forgetting about our primary duty to pray to Hashem, and in some places they do not even say Ovinu Malkeinu.

Hashem is the one in charge of the virus, and we have forgotten that everything depends on His salvation. Although a person is obligated to use his human effort to save himself, one must remember that our efforts are not the cause of our salvation.

Rav Sternbuch recalled how at the beginning of World War Two, when people did not yet know about gas chambers, everybody crowded into shuls praying to Hashem with ceaseless tears. Also, whenever someone young died from an illness, or the like, everybody would cry out to Hashem in prayer. But nowadays, due to our many sins, we have forgotten the duty of praying properly, and attribute our salvation to natural causes. That is why the current discourse is only about whether the vaccine is beneficial based on natural considerations.

Our duty at this time is to strengthen our faith, and internalize the fact that nature is a delusion. Just like the beginning of the pandemic stemmed from Hashem, so too will its end come only from Hashem.

Hashem is surely waiting for us to repent, to realize that He is in charge of all of Creation, and understand that our salvation can only come from Him. In the merit of strengthening our faith, may we see Hashem’s salvation speedily.