Churchill Bolstering Home Front Morale = Good. Jews Doing the Same Thing = ‘Kochi Ve’otzem Yadi’?

From Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis’ shaky transcription (and translation?) of Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch’s speech a year after the Har Nof attack:

In the current situation in Israel and the world, a person leaves his home and does not know what dangers lay in store for him in the streets. Almost every day people are attacked by terrorists. Since the perpetrators are civilians and even children, it is nearly impossible to protect oneself from these murderers.

Some people have entered a state of panic and do not leave their homes. Others attempt to lead their lives as normally as possible, trying as much as possible to remain aloof from the situation. While we can certainly understand these reactions,    

During the frequent German bombardments of London in World War II, Winston Churchill would address the country by radio each day. His message was “Tell Adolf Hitler, ‘We can take it!’” Amidst the worst attacks, Churchill understood that morale must be kept strong, and one must use all of one’s strength to defeat the enemy.

We must use the same strategy in our current situation. While it is definitely distressing to hear the news and be living during such turbulent times, we must remember that these stabbings are communications from Above. We must strengthen our emunah, and use these messages to make changes in our lives.