קיבוץ גליות לאחר ברכת השנים דכתיב ואתם הרי ישראל וגו’ – דברי החפץ חיים זצ”ל

סיפור נורא מהג”ר משה שפירא זצ”ל על החפץ חיים 

Don’t Lose Your Individual Perspective

Harav Chaim Kohn Shlit”a Av Beis Din l’choshen Mishpat, Mara Dasra Khal Chasidei Gur Of Flatbush:
“When gedolei yisrael saw the urgency for torah observant Jewry to publish its own newspaper, Harav Chuna Halberstam of Koloshitz Hy”d, uniquely observed the inherent danger that the homemaker the merchant, the  tradesman, and even the talmid chacham, would now lose his or her individual perspective.”
This was not a frivolous or far fetched fear, it addressed a core concept in our Belief system. The purpose of the jew in this world is to perfect his uniqueness of one’s mind impairs the most important tool for this mission”
(Hamodia Prime, page 15)