Antidisestablishmentarianism On

One of our more careful readers struggled to reconcile an article seemingly attacking establishments as suchsuch as this one, with many others which endorse them.

This is the quote he mentioned:

To conclude: Yeshivos are a wonderful thing, truly; if you can keep them around honestly. But if holding your Yeshiva afloat requires wrongly putting the group ahead of the individual, the whole enterprise loses its Jewish value.

The same is true for other crooked worldly means, like impure funding, or deceiving your students into misreading (teaching Briskian baloney instead of honesty and logic).

To repeat the title once again: Judaism is anti-establishmentarian. (Even disestablishmentarian where necessary.)

He added on a personal note (paraphrased):

I myself have anti/dis-Establishment inclinations, though am a big fan of Kehillos (indeed, that is what most people’s לבם חפץ), and am trying to figure out if there is a way to reconcile the two leanings honestly.




“Inclinations” need to be reconciled by consistently obeying halacha, as Chazal say on “בכל לבבך”.


As for how establishments can exist if they put the individual first (when they must), I say: “בהדי כבשי דרחמנא למה לך”. Let Hashem work it out. (This applies to a great many areas.)