Animated 13 Principles Song (#5 Is Typically Inaccurate)

“I Believe” Animated Music Video – Rabbi Mordechai Dubin

Published on Sep 2, 2016”

I Believe” Animated Music Video – Rabbi Mordechai Dubin

“I Believe” based on the Yud Gimmel Ikrim (The 13 Principals of Faith) of the Rambam is Rabbi Dubin’s most popular song.

The song was the inspiration of Rabbi Zalman Ury ZT”L, a leader of Jewish Education in Los Angeles who approached Rabbi Dubin to create a song for children that would strengthen their Emunah and capture our belief’s. From the moment “I Believe” was introduced at an Educational Conference in 2006, the song has touched the hearts of tens of thousands of children and their families. It is played daily in schools and Yeshivos around the world. It was used by the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation as part of their Chizuk program during the month of Elul and was featured in the Shevat 5769/ February 2009 issue of Olomeinu Magazine. The magazine also included a phone number for children and their families to listen to the song. Olomeinu received nine thousand phone calls during the few weeks the phone line was available. This song was masterfully produced by Sam Glaser. Once you hear this song, you will want to play it over and over again. The song “I Believe” could also be found on Rabbi Dubin’s CD on Sefer Shemos entitled, “Let My People Go”.

Rabbi Dubin was filmed by Yoni Oscherowitz of Timeline Cinema

Animation and editing by Adina Kramer

Produced at Kolrom Multimedia

From YouTube, here.