For When Jews Try and Restore the Monarchy – Write This Down

Ksav Sofer notes that the parsha that speaks of the appointment of a king the Torah uses the singular voice: “Asima alay melech…. Som tasim alecha melech…”   There is a din (O.C. 53:19) that when a congregation appoints a new chazzan, any single individual may object to the appointment (provided they can offer a legitimate reason for doing so).  There has to be no dissension with respect to the final choice.  So too, suggests the Ksav Sofer, when it comes to the appointment of a king, the people have to speak with unanimity, with one voice.  There can be no objections to the selection.

I wonder if this reflects the reality.  David haMelech was chased across the countryside by Shaul — it doesn’t seem that even he had the unanimous consent of the people, at least at the time of his appointment.

Excerpted from Divrei Chaim, here.

Why doesn’t this “reflect the reality”? Did anyone still have a “legitimate” objection against David?

לימוד הלכות ארץ ישראל בידים

שלום רב לכל החברים, נתבקשתי על-ידי אחד החברים היקרים להעביר הודעה זו, שעשויה לעניין אתכם –

ביום ראשון הקרוב, ה’ באלול, אנחנו נבצור אי”ה את כרם הענבים שלי שביישוב פני קדם. הכרם הוא של ענבי יין (זן קברנה סביניון) ועל כן מי שמעוניין יוכל לקנות ענבים בטבלם ולהכין יין או מיץ ענבים בבית, ובבואו לחלל מעשר שני יוכל להכין לעצמו פרוטה חמורה. נשמח לכל מי שיבוא לעזור בבצירה. כמובן שהבוצרים אוכלים מן התורה בכרם.

הכרם הוא על טהרת העבודה היהודית – בס”ד, אפילו עבודות הטרקטור והגידור נעשו בידי יהודים בלבד. הכרם הושבת בשביעית.

יש מניין לתפילת שחרית בהנץ החמה ביישוב הסמוך מיצד. (ייתכן ויהיה גם ביישוב פני קדם). הבציר הוא מהבוקר עד שגומרים בע”ה.

עוד פרטים בטל’ 0544-676613

אפרים סיגל

Redefining Purity

I just read a book in that awful Mussar (sub-)genre of: “explaining” the “48 Kinyanin of Torah”.

From this Braisa:

גדולה תורה יותר מן הכהונה ומן המלכות, שהמלכות נקנית בשלשים מעלות, והכהנה בעשרים וארבע, והתורה נקנית בארבעים ושמונה דברים, ואלו הן, בתלמוד, בשמיעת האזן, בעריכת שפתים…

In the chapter titled “Purity”, the author managed to go through all forms of supposed “purity“, except the plainly true intention: going to the Mikveh for Keri before learning!

He mentioned:

  • Thoughts of illicit pride, illicit hatred, illicit relations.
  • Touching parts of the body which require Netillas Yadayim.
  • Morning Netillas Yadayim.
  • Torah study “Shelo Lishmah” (!).
  • The Maharsha on Rabbi Chiya’s teaching preparations (with the wrong reference).
  • “Impure” funding.


How [Relative] Self-Assurance Shelters Us From Mohammedan Invasion

Islamic Terror: Why in Western Europe and not in the East?

By Moshe Feiglin

Why is Islamic terror striking Western Europe, while it has not touched Eastern Europe?

On the surface, Islam should first have sought to obliterate its age-old enemy, the more Christian countries in the east. Only afterwards would we have expected it to continue on to the countries without much religion in the west. After all, these are the very countries that whole-heartedly opened their gates to Islam. Both Islam and Christianity are religions that seek to conquer humanity: Islam by means of the sword and Christianity by means of love. Both Christianity and Judaism are historic foes of Islam, but Islam’s real strategic goal is to take over the world. That is why it goes to the easiest victory first. And the easiest victory is Western Europe, not the East.

Why is it easier for terror to strike in the stronger and wealthier countries?

Why are the strong actually the weak?

The answer is identity.

Religion is the main component of culture and identity. In Eastern Europe (and in a certain measure, in the US as well) the faith component is still strong and dominant enough to create a solid identity that can face off against the challenge of Islam’s absolute identity.

There is nothing more certain than death. The culture of post, which challenges all essence and identity, finds itself paralyzed in the face of this certainty. The beheadings of ISIS shock the Norwegian and Belgian. But they also mesmerize them. The police in Sweden retreat before the Shariya. London experiences a wave of conversion to Islam.

They have all the physical strength that they need to deal with Islamic terror, but they are like Samson, whose locks have been shorn.

Israel is also the strongest – and the weakest.

We have submarines in the sea, but we can’t even put a metal detector on the ground.

We have technology.

But we don’t have identity.